User:The bellman/wikipedia projects/South America

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This page exists to discuss the creation of a wikimedia collaboration with the aim of increasing the coverage of latin america through out the wikimedia projects. As it stands at present the proposal is to create a tri-lingual (english, portuguese, español) notice board at, for the dicussion of latin american topics (see Australian wikipedian notice board, as an example).

Esta página pretende discutir a criação de um projeto de colabaração Wikimedia cujo objetivo é aumentar a cobertura de temas específicos da América Latina nos projetos da Wikimedia. Como definido atualmente o projeto visa à criação de um boletim tri-língüe (inglês, português e espanhol) no, para discussão de temas latino-americanos (veja, por exemplo, o boletim sobre assuntos australianos).

As well as this it is hoped to create a collaboration of the week (see Collaboration of the week, as an example), attached to the board which would choose a subject each week relating to latin america which is only a stub on the pt. es. and en. wikipedias and to create an article on this topic in the three wikipedias.

Também visa criar um espaço de colaboração semanal (veja Collaboration of the week), por exemplo) – vinculado ao boletim – que vai escolher um tópico relativo a América Latina, a cada semana, em estado de apenas esboço nas Wikipédias pt, es e en, e criar um artigo completo sobre esse tópico nas três Wikipédias.

[edit] Questions that need answering/Questões que precisam de respostas

  • What should the exact subject area of the board be? south america, latin america, latin america and the iberian peninsula?
    • Qual deve ser a área específica de cobertura do boletim? América do Sul, América Latina, América Latina e Península Ibérica?

If we extend our coverage to Iberian peninsula, it would need to give some voice to Catalan and Galego Wikipedias, too. But I think that we should focus on Latin America, only. Marcelo R. 14:03, 12 Nov 2004 (UTC)

  • How would a tri-lingual notice board work?
    • Como vai funcionar?
  • Is this plan too bold?
    • Esse plano é muito audacioso?
  • How many people are there who would be willing to participate?
    • Quantas pessoas desejam participar?
  1. The bellman 22:05, 2004 Nov 11 (UTC)
  2. Marcelo R. 14:03, 12 Nov 2004 (UTC)
  3. Gbiten 16:07, 12 Nov 2004 (UTC)

[edit] Other comments/Outros comentários

  • What do people think about the way that i have set out the translations on this page? would it become too confusing for the notice board? how would conversations work? maybe instead of translating everything, we could just assume that everyone on the board has basic understanding of en pt and es and can at least read (if not write) in all three languages, and just post in what ever our native language is. The bellman 01:00, 2004 Nov 13 (UTC)
We could use English 99% of time, because it's simpler (really) than Portuguese or Spanish, and because it's the current lingua franca. And, when someone writes anything non-English, OK. Marcelo R. 20:26, 13 Nov 2004 (UTC) (Ps.: I don't understand Spanish so well, but I'll try a little.)
Sabe sobre a Enciclopedia Libre? It broke off from, because of the anglo-centerism of wikimedia. Yes, english is the current lingua franca but a lot of people dont speak english, or dont want to speak english because of what they feel is cultural imperialism. Im not dismissing your idea, i just dont know if i feel comfortable with it; it may however turn out that it is the only practicle idea. The bellman 01:33, 2004 Nov 15 (UTC)
I don't know if we'll find too many users with tri-lingual fluency, just that. And by the way, the Enciclopedia Libre creation had more to do with advertisement questions. Marcelo R. 02:23, 15 Nov 2004 (UTC)
Que? I wasnt actually around when the split occured, but in all the things that ive read about it ive never heard about advertising being a reason. The bellman 02:58, 2004 Nov 15 (UTC)
Perhaps I was quite rude by saying a percentual of English use, the way I did it. But it's a reality that was already discussed in other projects: it's easy from the community to talk in English; it avoid misinterpretations, since the casual English is simpler than Spanish or Portuguese (languages with a lot of verb forms, in any verbal time, for example; or gender cases in almost all grammar classes). Of course I'm concerned by imperialism, I live it everyday (by the music we hear in Brazil, our clothes, our TV, etc); but the imperialism isn't just about the language, it deals more with ideas, and it isn't wrong to learn a language that turns you able to speak with 1/4 of the world. Marcelo R. 02:43, 15 Nov 2004 (UTC)
No you werent rude, i think im just being too idealistic. Using english as the main language would probably be easiest and best, it just feels wrong to do so. The bellman 03:01, 2004 Nov 15 (UTC)
Certo, por mim está bem usar qualquer uma das três línguas na discussão. Pensei melhor sobre o assunto, e cheguei à conclusão que não é porque nunca fizeram isso que não podemos tentar. Marcelo R. 13:42, 15 Nov 2004 (UTC)