
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

en This user is a native speaker of English.
sgn-1 This user can communicate at a basic level in ASL.
fr-4 Cet utilisateur parle français à un niveau comparable à la langue maternelle.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
la-4 Hic usor simile nativi latine loquitur atque contribuere potest.
grc-2 Ὁ ἐγκυκλο­παιδει­ουργὸς οὗτος τὴν ἀρχαίαν Ἐλληνικὴν γλώτταν γράφειν μέσως οἷος τ' ἐστίν.
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TheTomato is also sometimes known to go by the name of Alex, and has been a member of the Wikipedia community since November 2005.


[edit] Basic info

I am a film student, professional photographer and semi-professional animator who grew up in Boston and currently lives in Lincoln, Nebraska. Before I went to film school, I was working on a degree in linguistics, but I dropped it about a semester before graduation to pursue my childhood dream of being a cartoonist and photographer.

My main interests besides languages and film are Futurama, astronomy and physics, and neuroscience. With my linguistics degree I had intended to go into the field of psycholinguistics and hopefully study the language system of cats (which is very interesting and sophisticated) and the development of the modern human psyche and social structure through the development of human language (my emphasis was in "dead languages").

Politically I tend towards the libertarian party, but I don't consider myself an extremist towards any one philosophy. To me they're all a little flawed. I am also an ignostic.

[edit] Other interests

[edit] People

[edit] Places

[edit] Things

  • Sexology
  • Fooling around with graphic design software; currently I am learning Blender. Normally I use traditional or experimental styles of animation, but I must say this computer-animated 3D stuff is quite fun.
  • Computer sciences
  • Writing- I am a published writer of fiction and non-fiction, some of my essay topics include the sexual philosophy of Maya Deren's Ritual in Transifgured Time and the birth and movement towards the mainstream of cyberpunk and dystopic science fiction.
  • tattoos- very pretty-looking, very addictive sensation.
  • Copi-style logic and number theory (I consider most logic systems applied forms of number theory).
  • Plants and gardening.

[edit] Other

  • I have many interests that are not nouns. Most of them are verbs. Some are pronouns.

[edit] Contributions

Mostly I consider myself a grammar-checker and polisher. Most of my edits are for style and flow of the prose, or to fix typos and spelling mistakes. Here are a few of the more major and/or recent articles I have created or worked on.

[edit] Created by me

[edit] Major edits

[edit] The universe in a nutshell

About me
This user is male.
ENFP This user's MBTI type is ENFP.
G This user's favourite colour is green.
This user is of French ancestry.
This user works in the film industry.
This user has one or more cats.
SCH This user suffers from schizophrenia.
This user is ambidextrous.
OA Arrow Logo
This user is a member of the Order of the Arrow.
This user enjoys filmmaking.
This user enjoys photography.
This user enjoys writing.
Politics & philosophy
LP This user is a member of the United States Libertarian Party.
This user knows about ignosticism, the belief that the existence of God is not a useful topic of discussion.
This user is interested in religion as a sociological and psychological phenomenon.
CF This user is childfree
This user is interested in beauty.
This user is a secular humanist.
Computational things
Firefox This user contributes using Mozilla Firefox.
This user is crunching numbers using BOINC.
This user produces music with FL Studio.
bas This user can program in BASIC.
C++ This user can program in C++.

OSrc This user contributes to Open Source Projects.