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[edit] Articles, edits and bigger than average contributions to discussions include...

An Experiment with Time; Antonin Gadal; A Whistle In The Dark; Cathars/Catharism; Conversations on a Homecoming; Daniel Deronda; David Bohm; Four Quartets; Gnosticism; Herbert Silberer; Implicate and Explicate Order according to David Bohm; J B Priestley's Time Plays; John William Dunne; Jane Leade; Ma Rainey's Black Bottom; Parabola Allegory; Pilgermann; Sophia (Gnosticism); Time and the Conways; T S Eliot; The Gigli Concert; The Sanctuary Lamp; Tom Murphy (playwright); Unio Mystica

And many others...

[edit] Areas of interest include...

Art, culture, esotericism, film, history, literature, mysticism, philosophy, psychology, quantum physics, religion, science fiction, theatre - in short, everything interesting the human race has ever come up with!