There is no infinite-dimensional Lebesgue measure

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In mathematics, it is a theorem that there is no analogue of Lebesgue measure on an infinite-dimensional space. This fact forces mathematicians studying measure theory on infinite dimensional spaces to use other kinds of measures: often, the abstract Wiener space construction is used.

[edit] Motivation

It can be shown that Lebesgue measure λn on Euclidean space \mathbb{R}^{n} is locally finite, strictly positive and translation-invariant. Explicitly:

  • every point x \in \mathbb{R}^{n} has an open neighbourhood Nx with finite measure \lambda^{n} (N_{x}) < + \infty;
  • every non-empty open set U \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n} has positive measure λn(U) > 0;
  • if A \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{n} is any Lebesgue measurable subset, T_{h} : \mathbb{R}^{n} \to \mathbb{R}^{n} : x \mapsto x + h is the translation map, and (Th) *n) denotes the push forward, then (Th) *n)(A) = λn(A).

Geometrically speaking, these three properties make Lebesgue measure very nice to work with. When we consider an infinite dimensional space such as an Lp space or the space of continuous paths in Euclidean space, it would be nice to have a similarly nice measure to work with. Unfortunately, this is not possible.

[edit] Statement of the theorem

Suppose that H is a Hilbert space with \dim H = + \infty. Then the only locally finite translation-invariant measure on H is the trivial measure \mu \equiv 0.

(Many authors assume that H is separable. This assumption simplifies the proof considerably, since it provides a countable basis for H. However, the result holds even without the separability assumption.)

[edit] Proof of the theorem

Suppose that H is separable (see the remark above). Suppose that μ is a locally finite and translation-invariant measure on H; suppose also that μ is not the trivial measure. Since μ is locally finite, there exists an open set U with \mu (U) < + \infty. Since U is open, there exists an open ball

B_{r_{0}} (x) \subseteq U for some x \in H, r0 > 0.

Clearly, this ball also has finite measure. By translation,

\mu \left( B_{r} (y) \right) < + \infty for every y \in H and r \leq r_{0}.

Fix any radius 0 < r < r0 and form the open cover

H = \bigcup_{y \in H} B_{r} (y).

Since H is separable, this open cover admits a countable subcover:

H = \bigcup_{j = 1}^{\infty} B_{r} (y_{j}) for some sequence (y_{j})_{j = 1}^{\infty} \subset H.

Since μ is not the trivial measure, μ(H) > 0, so μ(Br(yj)) > 0 for some j, and so μ(Br(y)) > 0 for all y \in H and r > 0. Now set c := \mu (B_{r_{0} / 30} (y)) for any (i.e. all) y \in H. Observe that if (e_{i})_{i = 1}^{\infty} \subset H is a countable orthonormal basis for H, then

B_{r_{0} / 30} (e_{i} / 2) \subseteq B_{r_{0}} (0) for all i.

By Pythagoras' theorem, these balls B_{r_{0} / 30} (e_{i} / 2) are pairwise (and hence collectively) disjoint. Now

\mu \left( B_{r_{0}} (0) \right) \geq \sum_{j = 1}^{\infty} c = + \infty unless \mu \equiv 0.

But \mu \not\equiv 0 implies that \mu \left( B_{r_{0}} (0) \right) < + \infty by local finiteness. This is a contradiction, and completes the proof.