The War of The Roses

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The War of The Roses
Landmark 2004 paperback edition
Author Warren Adler
Country United States
Language English
Genre(s) Novel
Publisher Warner Books Inc
Released April 1981
Media Type Print (Hardback & Paperback)
Pages 263 pp
ISBN ISBN 0-446-51220-6
Followed by The Children of the Roses

The War of the Roses is a novel by Warren Adler


[edit] Plot introduction

The War of the Roses tells the story of Oliver and Barbara Rose, and their descent from a picturesque family life into a world of macabre self-destruction.

[edit] Plot summary

The novel begins quietly, introducing us to Oliver and Barbara as they are introduced to each other for the first time. Fast forward some years, and they are living the good life in a Washington, D.C. suburb. They have the dream house, filled with a lifetime’s worth of antiques they’ve collected, two children (Eve and Josh), a dog, and a cat. Oliver’s law career could not be better, and they had recently hired an au pair to aid in the upkeep of the house and the children as Barbara has embarked in a gourmet business endeavor. She has received a small amount of acclaim for her pâté.

Somewhere along the road to building to this ideal family unit, Barbara fell out of love with Oliver. She realizes it as Oliver has what is believed to be a heart attack. Suddenly, it would not be so bad if he died. She would not be distraught. Oliver, on the other hand, only thinks of his wife as he is rushed to the hospital and cannot understand why she did not come to his bedside as he waited for the prognosis.

Upon returning home, Barbara tells him their marriage is over. It’s been over for some time and he never realized it.

Divorce. Barbara hires the best divorce attorney in town. Smart enough not to represent himself, Oliver puts an attorney of his own on a retainer. Oliver would like the divorce to go smoothly. He offers Barbara a generous monthly allowance, as well as half of everything they have. That’s not enough. She wants it all, the house and all its contents. She has earned it, putting the house together and making it home they both wanted. She raised his children in the house. It belongs to her. Oliver had to work to provide for her, the family, and the home. He cannot let her have it so easily.

He opts not to move out, citing an old legal precedent which permits a couple to live under the same roof while going through a divorce. Barbara is less than thrilled at the prospect of having him continue to live there.

Despite the warnings of their attorneys, both take it upon themselves to make the other miserable. It begins with small acts of sabotage, but soon escalates. Only the children are off limits, everything else, from careers to prized possessions, is fair game. Their previous life together, a life of love, vanishes as aggression and territoriality engulfs both Oliver and Barbara.

[edit] Major themes

While war between father and mother Rose jumps from one outlandish and humorous act of ill will to the next, the underlining tragedy cannot be ignored. What happened to love? Not just in the sense of romance. There’s no room for nostalgia. Oliver and Barbara lose the ability to feel compassion as they fight over inanimate objects that represent a life which no longer exists as it once did.

[edit] Film, TV or theatrical adaptations

In 1989, The War of the Roses was translated from novel to film, proving to be a huge success both financially and critically. Years later, Adler’s taut elegy to an American love story has not been forgotten. A stage play based on the novel is currently set to open in Europe, with a tentative release in the U.S. to follow.

[edit] External links