The Unteleported Man

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The Unteleported Man (later republished in an expanded form as Lies, Inc.) is a 1964 science fiction novel by Philip K. Dick.

[edit] Plot

A new teleportation technology makes space travel by spaceship redundant. A new colony, Whale's Mouth, is destination for forty million colonists, but it is a one way journey. The only other way to reach it is by space ship, an 18-year journey.

Rachmael Ben Applebaum, whose spaceship business has been ruined by teleportation, decides to make the journey to Whale's Mouth. Driven by visions that the utopian vision may be false, he choses to travel by spacecraft, just in case a colonist may decide to return. Powerful figures oppose his journey.

Lies, Inc., the expanded version of The Unteleported Man, includes about 100 pages of new material. These new chapters focus on a drug trip that Rachmeal goes through after being hit by an LSD tipped dart. The new material begins and ends with the phrase "Acrid smoke billowed about him."

[edit] Publishing history

This particular book has an unusual publishing history compared to other novels by Dick. The story originally appeared in Fantastic Magazine in 1964. The story rights were then bought by Ace books but Dick's subsequent revisions to bring the manuscript up to novel-length were rejected and the original story published.

In 1983, the full 80,000-word story was to be published, with Dick revising the material (some pages of the manuscript were missing, leading to continuity problems) but Dick died before the revision was complete (PKD died in March 1982). The original story was published, with Dick's revisions and additional material to replace the lost pages, in 1984 as Lies, Inc.. Finally, the full story, with the missing pages restored, was published by Vintage (publisher).

[edit] External links

Books by Philip K. Dick
Gather Yourselves Together | Voices From the Street | Vulcan's Hammer | Dr. Futurity | The Cosmic Puppets | Solar Lottery | Mary and the Giant | The World Jones Made | Eye in the Sky | The Man Who Japed | A Time for George Stavros | Pilgrim on the Hill | The Broken Bubble | Puttering About in a Small Land | Nicholas and the Higs | Time Out of Joint | In Milton Lumky Territory | Confessions of a Crap Artist | The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike | Humpty Dumpty in Oakland | The Man in the High Castle | We Can Build You | Martian Time-Slip | Dr. Bloodmoney, or How We Got Along After the Bomb | The Game-Players of Titan | The Simulacra | The Crack in Space | Now Wait for Last Year | Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? | Clans of the Alphane Moon | The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch | The Zap Gun | The Penultimate Truth | Deus Irae | The Unteleported Man | The Ganymede Takeover | Counter-Clock World | Nick and the Glimmung | Ubik | Galactic Pot-Healer | A Maze of Death | Our Friends from Frolix 8 | Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said | A Scanner Darkly | Radio Free Albemuth | VALIS | The Divine Invasion | The Transmigration of Timothy Archer