The Service for the Lord's Day
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The Service for the Lord's Day is the name given to the general format or ordering of worship in the Presbyterian Church (USA). There is a great deal of liberty given toward worship in that denomination, so while the Service for the Lord's Day is extremely common, it is not universally used.
The creation of the Service for the Lord's Day was one of the most positive contributions of the Worshipbook of 1970. The Book of Common Worship of 1993 leaned heavily upon this service.
The General Outline of the Service for the Lord's Day
Call to Worship Prayer of the Day or Opening Prayer Hymn of Praise, Psalm, or Spiritual Confession and Pardon The Peace Canticle, Psalm, Hymn, or Spiritual
Baptism if observed (may appear later in the service)
Presentation Profession of Faith with Apostles' Creed Thanksgiving Over the Water The Baptism Welcome
The Word
Prayer for Illumination First Reading Psalm Second Reading Anthem, Hymn, Psalm, Canticle, or Spiritual Gospel Reading Sermon Invitation Hymn, Canticle, Psalm, or Spiritual Affirmation of Faith [Pastoral Rite of the Church] Prayers of the People
The Eucharist, If the Lord's Supper IS celebrated
Offering Invitation to the Lord's Table Great Thanksgiving Lord's Prayer Breaking of the Bread Communion of the People Sending Hymn, Spiritual, Canticle, or Psalm Charge and Blessing
If the Lord's Supper is NOT celebrated:
Offering Prayer of Thanksgiving Lord's Prayer Sending Hymn, Spiritual, Canticle, or Psalm Charge and Blessing