The Saucy Arethusa

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The Saucy Arethusa is a sea shanty which although usually considered 'traditional' was possibly written by 'Prince Hoare'[1], a comic opera librettist, in around 1832.

The Arethusa of the title is a frigate of the Royal Navy, named HMS Arethusa, which was captured from the French Navy in 1759. According to Greek mythology, the nymph Arethusa, for whom the ship was named, was transformed by Artemis into a fountain.

It opens

Come all ye jolly sailors bold
Whose hearts are cast in honour's mould
While English glory I unfold
Hurrah for the Arethusa
She is a frigate tight and brave
As ever stemmed the dashing wave
Her men are staunch to their favorite launch
And when the foe shall meet our fire
Sooner than strike we'll all expire
On board of the Arethusa
'Twas with the spring fleet she went out
The English Channel to cruise about
When four French sail in show so stout
Bore down on the Arethusa

When Sir Henry Wood wrote his Fantasia on British Sea Songs in 1905 a version of this shanty became the third movement.

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