The Parliament of Braunau

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In December 1705 the Braunauer parliament was an indication for the State-defence-congress to Braunau at the Inn. The Bavarian national uprising against the imperial occupation of 1705/06 is well-known by the “Sandlinger Mordweihnacht” (a bloody Christmasnight at Sandling) and is mentioned in the folk tale of Schmied of Kochel. Less known is that this upper Bavarian uprising was only a small part of a big uprising, which dominated huge arias of Lower Bavaria, the aria around the Inn and the eastern Upper Bavaria. The cities and fortresses lying in these regions were conquered and the rebellion of the farmers encroached to the Bavarian forest, parts of the Upper Palatinate as well as Kelheim at the Danube.

This, the only, genuine rising of the people in the Bavarian history was directed against a foreign rule, which ripped the hole country off, after the banishment of its election Max Emanuel. He reorganized himself as a cure-Bavarian-Defender with large heaps of army and even with a parliament which was hold in Braunau and was named as the Braunauer Parliament.

Still before the French Revolution, and the German early Parliamentarianism a meeting were hold, on the 21st December 1705, in the accommodation of the baron to Paumgarten. In this inn representatives of all four conditions aristocracy, clergymen, citizen and farmer met.

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