The One on the Last Night

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Friends season six
September 1999 - May 2000
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One After Vegas
  2. The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
  3. The One with Ross's Denial
  4. The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance
  5. The One with Joey's Porsche
  6. The One on the Last Night
  7. The One Where Phoebe Runs
  8. The One with Ross's Teeth
  9. The One Where Ross Got High
  10. The One with the Routine (a.k.a. The One With The Rockin' New Year)
  11. The One with the Apothecary Table
  12. The One with the Joke
  13. The One with Rachel's Sister
  14. The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
  15. The One that Could Have Been, Part 1
  16. The One that Could Have Been, Part 2
  17. The One with Unagi (a.k.a. The One With the Mix Tape)
  18. The One Where Ross Dates a Student
  19. The One with Joey's Fridge
  20. The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
  21. The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad
  22. The One Where Paul's the Man
  23. The One with the Ring
  24. The One with the Proposal, Part 1
  25. The One with the Proposal, Part 2

"The One with the Last Night" is a sixth-season episode of the American television series Friends.

First aired: November 4, 1999

[edit] Plot Synopsis

Chandler tries to get Joey to accept some money so he'll be able to get by for a few months without a roommate. Joey won't take it, so Chandler challenges Joey to play foosball for money. Joey is $500 ahead when they make a $1000 bet on the next goal. Despite trying to let Joey win, Chandler wins the bet. Joey then kicks the table and breaks it so Chandler invents a card game called "Cups" and lets Joey win the money. While packing on Rachel's last night in the apartment, Phoebe's misguided advice leads Monica and Rachel to fighting. Ross doesn't want to help with the packing, so he says he has to take care of Ben. Since Monica can see into his apartment, he makes a "fake Ben" to fool her. Meanwhile, Joey teaches Ross to play Cups, and loses all the money to him.

Preceded by:
The One with Joey's Porsche
List of Friends episodes Followed by:
The One Where Phoebe Runs