The One Where Chandler Can't Cry

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Friends season six
September 1999 - May 2000
List of Friends episodes


  1. The One After Vegas
  2. The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
  3. The One with Ross's Denial
  4. The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance
  5. The One with Joey's Porsche
  6. The One on the Last Night
  7. The One Where Phoebe Runs
  8. The One with Ross's Teeth
  9. The One Where Ross Got High
  10. The One with the Routine (a.k.a. The One With The Rockin' New Year)
  11. The One with the Apothecary Table
  12. The One with the Joke
  13. The One with Rachel's Sister
  14. The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
  15. The One that Could Have Been, Part 1
  16. The One that Could Have Been, Part 2
  17. The One with Unagi (a.k.a. The One With the Mix Tape)
  18. The One Where Ross Dates a Student
  19. The One with Joey's Fridge
  20. The One with Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.
  21. The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeth's Dad
  22. The One Where Paul's the Man
  23. The One with the Ring
  24. The One with the Proposal, Part 1
  25. The One with the Proposal, Part 2

"The One Where Chandler Can't Cry" is episode 14 of season 6 of the situation comedy series Friends.

First aired: February 10, 2000


[edit] Plot

Chandler apparently has never been able to cry since his parents got divorced, to the astonishment of the other Friends. He plays at being mock-disgusted at this inablity until Monica presents him with a letter that she says was to be from her after her death. When Chandler again fails to cry, Monica becomes irritated and confesses it wasn't real.

Jill decides to spite Rachel's earlier order to not date Ross, and at being called a brat who wants what she can't have. "The only thing I can't have is DAIRY!" But when she tries, Ross stops her.

Ross comes over to Monica's apartment to tell Rachel this in front of Chandler and Monica, saying that if anything happened between him and Jill, he'd never have a chance with Rachel. Surprisingly, Chandler dissolves into tears at this. "Why can't those two just work things out?" he sobs.

During the credits Jill tries to make Rachel feel bad the next day in the coffee house in front of Ross, Monica and Chandler, but is countered when Rachel tells her she knows their father is taking her back. Obviously determined to hurt someone's feelings, she rounds on Ross -- "I throw myself at you and you say no? How gay are you?!" -- then leaves. Chandler once again begins to sob. "I can't help it, I opened a gate".

[edit] Trivia

  • This episode was somewhat "essential" as at the end of this season, Chandler and Monica propose to one another and Chandler needed to cry.

[edit] Cultural references

[edit] See also