The Mafia Network
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[edit] The Mafia Network (online multiplayer game)
An online game emulating the gangsters' daily. Upon joining this game, you will become an unreal gangster, you start off as a scum off the streets, your job is to achieve the highest position in the network, the Legend.
The game is on a rank basis, with ranks for players and wealth. Ranks for players: Scum, Wannabe, Goon, Hired Thug, Criminal, Hitman, Wanted Criminal, Hired Gunner, Assassin, Boss, Don, Enemy of the State, Global Threat, Global Dominator, Global Disaster, Legend
Wealth Status: Welfare Applicant, Enough to Live, Middle Class, Rich, Millionaire, Very Rich, Respectably Wealthy, Extremely Wealthy, Swims in Money, Drowning in Money, Burns Money for Heat, Billionaire
Link to the game: [[1]]