The Luncheon Club
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The Luncheon Club (sometimes abbreviated to TLC) was a small yet vibrant society that met from 2003–5 in Bath, England. Ranging from smaller 'regular' meetings of three people or more, to the larger Alternative Beverage Circumstances (ABCs) where up to 10–15 people would attend. Members were exclusively from King Edward's School, Bath, and usually chose to keep their membership of TLC secret, given the somewhat controversial nature of the society's later activities.
Notable Society Events and Deeds
The society's main function was to create a comfortable and friendly atmosphere to eat one's luncheon during the school day - the society would gather ad lib, unless an ABC had been called, in which case they would meet as per the invitations had instructed. A usual meeting could last anything from 15 minutes to a whole hour, where the members of the society would discuss issues of local or national importance, joke jovially with one another, and generally enjoy each other's company. TLC and ABC meetings were held in many locations, most of which were N45 during the cold weather, or outside the Hut nr. the Astroturf in good weather.
ABC meetings were by invitation only, one per school term, and were more formal and orderly affairs than usual meetings. Often a guest-speaker would talk (the most notable being PMcC on several occasions), with the eponymous beverages of Dandylion and Burdock, or Ginger Ale, being offered round as this occurred. Occasionally poetry would be recited, most memorably the poem by LB entitled "Ode to Spaghetti". Unfortunately during its later years TLC ran into some controversy.
The Luncheoner (News Publication)
On two separate occasions TLC has run into trouble concerning a
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