The Immortal (Buffyverse)

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The Immortal

The Immortal, always one step ahead, leaves a note behind for Angel and Spike.
First appearance The Girl in Question
Last appearance The Girl in Question
Created by
Name The Immortal
Status Alive
Species Unknown
Affiliation Wolfram & Hart (Italian branch)
Notable powers Immortality, possibly superhuman level intelligence, strength and others. Notably does not use magic, supposedly because he considers it to be "dirty".
Portrayed by  None

The Immortal is a fictional character from the Buffyverse, first 'appearing' in the Angel episode "The Girl in Question". The Immortal never appears onscreen throughout the entire episode and is only mentioned. However, from the descriptions we can gather that he is incredibly attractive, athletic, intelligent and also apparently genuinely immortal and unaging. He has accomplished numerous incredible feats and managed to seduce many women, including Darla, Drusilla and Buffy. In Angel Season Five, it is established that Buffy has in fact begun living with the Immortal.

The Immortal also appears in the non-canon novel Queen of the Slayers.

[edit] Accomplishments

According to various people who know the Immortal, he has accomplished the following:

  • Spending 150 years in a Tibetan Monastery
  • Climbing Mount Everest several times.
  • Writing a self-help book which, apparently, is a life-changer.
  • Dealing with the Italian Branch of Wolfram and Hart several times and surviving. (The female CEO of the Italian Wolfram and Hart may have been referring to business dealings or a more personal encounter, quite possibly both)
  • "Violating" Drusilla and Darla, not only both of them but both of them at the same time. Something that neither Spike nor Angel could get either girl to agree to.
The Immortal (Buffyverse)
Drusilla: Time for another pony ride?

Spike: Son of a bitch!
Angelus: The both of ya?
Darla: He's insatiable.
Spike: Drusilla, you—you let him touch you?
Drusilla: He felt like sunshine.
Spike: Uh, no. No.
Angelus: That's why he had us tossed. So he could violate—
Darla: He didn't—
Angelus: Violate our women!
Spike: Violate in succession!
Darla: Concurrently.
Angelus: Concurrently? You never let us do that!
Quoted from the Season Five Angel episode, "The Girl in Question".

The Immortal (Buffyverse)

In the office of the CEO of the Wolfram and Hart branch in Rome:

CEO of Wolfram and Hart Rome: "You have no more problems!...What are your problems?"

Angel: "Our friend. (Buffy)She's under some sort of spell."

Spike: "Cast by the vilest evil this side of Mount Everest...which, I'm told, he has climbed...several times."

In the street making the money drop:

Angel: "What the hell could Buffy see in him?!"

Italian Demon: "Perhaps she likes the cut of his trousers. You must be so lonely. Your girlfriend has become lovers with the Immortal. How unfortunate for you...And how fortunate for her."

Angel: "You know the Immortal?"

Italian Demon: "But of course."

Angel: "I knew it. None of this is a coincidence."

Spike: "It's been his plan all along. Steal our head, keep us busy, and traipse off with my girl...Our girl."

Angel: "It's a set up...You're just his lackey."

Italian Demon: "I should be so lucky...The Immortal does not need a man like me to do his business...He is a wild card. A wolf removed from the pack. A stallion without the, uh, bridle."

Spike: "What, are you in love with him?"

Italian Demon: "No, no, no, no. Well, yeah, okay, yes. But, if anything, he's more of an inspiration...A spiritual guide...Have you read his book?...It's a life-changer."

Angel to Spike: "I'm getting a little tired of Italy."

Spike to Angel: "I know what you mean."

Preceded by:
Buffy Summers' love interest
Angel Season Five
Succeeded by:
Buffyverse & related topics
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Key Terminology "Demon" | "Slayer" | "Vampire" | "Watcher" | "Werewolf" | "Witch"

"Child of Senior Partners" | Shanshu | Sunnydale Syndrome | Tro-Clon