The Happy Return

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The Happy Return (Beat to Quarters in the US) was the first of the Horatio Hornblower novels published by C. S. Forester. It appeared in 1937. The American name derives from the expression "beat to quarters", which was the signal to prepare for combat. This book is sixth by internal chronology of the series (including the unfinished Hornblower and the Crisis).

The story begins in June of 1808, with Hornblower in command of the 36-gun frigate HMS Lydia and sailing off the Pacific coast of Nicaragua. His orders are to assist a local landowner, Don Julian Alvarado, ready to revolt against the Spanish (at this point allied with Napoleon), supplying him with muskets and powder. Upon meeting with the landowner, Hornblower discovers he is mad, a megalomaniac going by the title El Supremo (the Almighty) and viewing himself as a deity.

While Hornblower replenishes his supplies, the 50-gun Spanish ship Natividad is sighted off the coast heading his way. Unwilling to risk fighting the much more powerful ship in a sea battle, Hornblower hides nearby until it anchors and then captures it in a daring, surprise nighttime boarding. El Supremo demands that it be turned over to him so that he may have a navy. After hiding the captured Spanish officers to save them from being murdered by El Supremo, Hornblower, needing his erstwhile ally's cooperation, has no choice, but to accede.

After completing his mission to El Supremo, Hornblower sails south. Off the coast of Panama, he encounters a Spanish lugger; an envoy informs him of a new alliance between Spain and England against Napoleon.

Another passenger, the Englishwoman Lady Barbara Wellesley, comes on board as well. The packet ship she was on in the Caribbean had been captured some time ago. Freed by Spain's about-face and fleeing a yellow fever epidemic ashore, she requests transportation back to England. He reluctantly takes Lady Barbara and her maid aboard, warning her that he must first hunt and destroy the Natividad before El Supremo can ravage the entire Pacific coast.

In the desperate fight to the death, Hornblower uses masterful tactics to sink the Natividad, though the Lydia takes heavy damage herself. Limping back to Panama to effect repairs, Hornblower (now that there is no further threat from the Natividad) is curtly informed that he is not welcome in any Spanish-American port. He manages to find a natural harbor on the island of Coiba, where he refits.

After completing repairs, Hornblower runs into the haughty Spanish official once more. He is invited aboard the other's ship for some interesting news. There he finds El Supremo, a wretched captive chained to the deck, on his way to his execution.

Hornblower sets sail for England. On the long voyage, he and Lady Barbara become strongly attracted to each other. Nearing the end of their trip, she makes the first overt advances; Hornblower demurs, explaining that he is married. Also, as a man of humble social standing, he cannot afford to risk offending the influential Wellesley clan by dallying with her. After the rejection, the embarrassed Lady Barbara avoids him as best she can. Fortunately, an English convoy is sighted soon afterwards and she transfers to a more spacious ship. The book ends with their formal good-byes.

Horatio Hornblower novels by C. S. Forester

Mr. Midshipman HornblowerLieutenant HornblowerHornblower and the HotspurHornblower and the CrisisHornblower and the AtroposThe Happy Return (Beat to Quarters) • A Ship of the LineFlying ColoursThe CommodoreLord HornblowerHornblower in the West Indies

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