The Great Sock Mystery

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The Great Sock Mystery is an episode of the children's television show Arthur. The sock mystery starts when Dora Winifred Read has lost a red and purple striped sock. Jane Read has no other choice but to look for the missing sock. When no one can find the sock, Kate and Pal go on the case. They interrogate Nemo (Francine's cat) and Toady (the toad that DW let loose). Pal and Kate discover that Amigo had been stealing socks from their house. Amigo takes Pal to the sock exchange to play "The Sock Market" (a parody of the Stock Market)... When they go to the sock exchange a parody of Alan Greenspan (Alan Greenspaniel) is introduced and gives Amigo and Pal a boring explanation on the purpose of the sock market. Alan Greenspaniel also wears large, half-rimmed glasses.