The Great Snail Race

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SpongeBob SquarePants episode
""The Great Snail Race""
Season №: 3
Episode №: 55a
Best Day Ever Rank: #35
Episode List
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"The Great Snail Race" is a SpongeBob SquarePants episode from season three.

Brief Summary: Squidward's new pure-bred snail, Snellie, is going to enter the Great Snail Race. Even though Gary is a mutt, SpongeBob enters him, leading to disastrous consequences.


  • Saturday
    • 11:35 AM: SpongeBob wakes up
    • 11:40 PM: SpongeBob is shown in bed, training Gary
  • Sunday

Time cards shown: 2 hours later

Characters Present:

Main Characters:

Major Characters:

  • Mayor
  • Lighting Larry Luciano the Snail

Minor Characters:

  • Sandy Cheeks
  • Perch Perkins
  • Phil
  • Spectators
    • Fred
    • Nancy
    • Evelyn
  • Firefighters

[edit] Plot

The day starts when Squidward gets a package in the mail. He is excited, but then the mailfish accidentally pronounces his last name as Tennisballs, which makes him angry and ends his excitement. He opens the package, and a snail named Snellie is inside with some certificates. SpongeBob says "Gary, I think you've got a new playmate!" However, Squidward refuses, and says Snellie is a pure-bred, and she's going to be entered in the great snail race. Patrick reads Snellie's pedigree certificate and misreads Squidward's name as Tentpoles, which makes Squidward angry, yet again. SpongeBob wants to enter Gary, but says he can't because Sunday is laundry day. Squidward then tells SpongeBob that he can't enter Gary and says that it's because Gary is a mutt, which offends SpongeBob. Patrick also decides to enter the competition, and gets a rock. Meanwhile, Sandy, who was walking along a street, senses SpongeBob calling Gary a lady(s) and then say that it's "to humiliate and demean him", and says "I don't know why, but I think I'll kick SpongeBob's butt tomorrow."

SpongeBob (wearing a fake mustache and a coach's outfit) over-trains Gary, so Gary is exhausted at the race the next day. Gary goes, but his eyes and shell explode, and it seems that he can't stop. SpongeBob says he can stop now, but Gary keeps on going. SpongeBob runs onto the track, with the mustache and hat flying off, and the announcer says that it's an "automatic disqualification". Gary hits the wall and explodes completely. Snellie, who is almost at the finish line, turns around to help Gary. Squidward is shocked and Snellie and Gary are in love, and want to get married and have children. Squidward walks onto the track, and SpongeBob tells him "Looks like you and me are in-laws, eh, Squiward?". Squidward then sees that, much to his surprise, Patrick's rock won the race. Patrick laughs so hard that he cries. Squidward is upset that his pure-bred, which cost him $1700 lost to a rock. Patrick says he had the trophy engraved to Squidward, and gives it to him, knowing how much Squidward wanted to win. Squidward thanks Patrick and then reads "The 1st place Snail Racing cup presented to Squidward... TORTELLINI?!" He groans and says "Will I ever win?" SpongeBob, Patrick, and even Squidward laugh. But the trio's laughter is interrupted, however, when Sandy jumps into view and literally kicks SpongeBob's butt, sending him flying out of the stadium. SpongeBob screams in fright, especially because he is unaware of the reason that he got kicked in the first place. Sandy, shaking her fist, then yells "That's for yesterday, SquarePants!" Patrick and Squidward are left very confused, as neither of them know what SpongeBob did "yesterday", either.

[edit] Quotes

  • Patrick: Wow. A snail made out of bread!
    Squidward: No! No! No! Pure bread means she's of the highest pedigree.
  • SpongeBob: Well, guess I can't enter Gary on that race (silence for a while) Sunday's laundry day!
  • SpongeBob: (to Patrick) Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
    Patrick: Yeah! I should get a snail and enter it in that race and beat Squidward! (runs out)
    SpongeBob: (to Gary) Are you thinking what I'm thinking? (Gary thinks of watching TV) No no no! I'm thinking about entering you in that race and beating Squidward's snail!
  • SpongeBob: (to Gary while making a shake)...nails for toughness. Raw eggs 'cause it's cliché.
  • Squidward: (to Patrick) Patrick, that's a rock.
    Patrick: Thanks I know. He's got nerves of steel. (referring to Rocky)
  • Man in announcer booth: Hello, folks! And welcome to the annual snail races of which I am a huge fan! Seriously, I'm just a fan. I was on my way to my seat, the door was open and I-
    Announcer: Hey, what are you doing here?! (Chases the fan out) Sorry about that folks.
  • Sandy: Hmm. I don't know why, but I think I'll kick SpongeBob's butt tomorrow.
  • Squidward: (Patrick hands him the Trophy) Gosh, Patrick. Thanks. The 1st place Snail Racing cup presented to Squidward... TORTELLINI?!! Will I ever win?
    (SpongeBob, Patrick, and even Squidward laugh.)
    Sandy: (Jumps in and Kicks SpongeBob Out of the Stadium, giving SpongeBob extreme fright) THAT'S FOR YESTERDAY, SQUAREPANTS!
  • Patrick: You can run, but you can't hide Squarepants!

[edit] Trivia/Goofs

  • The music used in the title sequence is "Now That We're Men" from The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie. (The music probably wasn't created specifically for the film. This is because this episode was released a year before the film.)
  • When Gary is making tire tracks and he loses control, there appears to be more than three racing tracks even though at the beginning, there were only three competitors.
  • When Gary crashes he is at the tire wall, but when SpongeBob goes to get him, he is on the middle of the track. (It is possible that after Gary tried to go into the track but failed.).
  • Snellie appears again in The Sponge Who Could Fly as Mrs. Puff's snail.
  • Running Gag: Everyone messes up when they say Squidward's last name.
  • All of the characters call SpongeBob by his last name, "SquarePants".
  • In the computerized sequences, Gary's going a lot faster than in the non-computerized sequences. Perhaps this is a parody of NASCAR races.
  • After Gary crashes, Snellie is about to reach the finish line, but a minute later, she is still going for it.
  • Gary falls in love with Snellie after the race.
  • Patrick's "snail," which is a rock, is called Rocky, which could be a reference to the 1970s movie Rocky, in which an underdog boxer makes it to the championship fight.
  • There are two versions of this episode:
    1. Sandy kicks SpongeBob's butt, yells, and then walks away, laughing.
    2. The episode simply ends after Sandy kicks SpongeBob's butt and yells.
  • In a book based on this episode, there is no sign of Sandy. This is most likely because the idea of Sandy kicking SpongeBob's butt and her presence in the episode, as well as the joke that SpongeBob made, are not in any way a part of the episode's actual plot, but more rather something put in to add humor, so that the viewers would be more amused by the episode.
  • On a deleted scene, SpongeBob is kicked out of the stadium to the pineapple house. It crashed open & Gary follows him.
  • This episode is mistaken to be rated TV-Y7.

Preceded by:
SpongeBob SquarePants episodes Followed by:
"Mid-Life Crustacean"