The Fizz
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The Fizz is a highly advanced group of nanobots from the Star Wars galaxy. They origanate in the Utegetu Nebula in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. When the nebula was formed by a supernova, The planets were devastated. However, the inhabitants of the burnt out system had created nanobots to keep the system's planet's ecology balanced. It only would have taken a few centuries after the supernova for the nanobots to make the first patches fertile soil. They also eliminate any threat to the planets before harm can be done to them e.g. removing biological hazards such as chemical spills. The Fizz has also been used to destroy Killik settlements after the Jedi stopped the Killik invasion of the galxy. The Dark Hive also tried to use Alema Rar (The night herald) to trick UnuThul into believing the Jedi gave the Killiks the 'poisoned' worlds deliberately to destroy the hives.