The Computer Wore Menace Shoes

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The Simpsons episode
"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes"
Episode no. 254
Prod. code CABF02
Orig. Airdate December 3, 2000
Show Runner(s) Mike Scully
Writer(s) John Swartzwelder
Director Mark Kirkland
Chalkboard "I will only provide a urine sample when asked"
Couch gag Santa's Little Helper dances like Snoopy from Peanuts.
Guest star(s) Patrick McGoohan as Number Six
SNPP capsule
Season 12
November 1, 2000May 20, 2001
  1. Treehouse of Horror XI
  2. A Tale of Two Springfields
  3. Insane Clown Poppy
  4. Lisa the Tree Hugger
  5. Homer vs. Dignity
  6. The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
  7. The Great Money Caper
  8. Skinner's Sense of Snow
  9. HOMR
  10. Pokey Mom
  11. Worst Episode Ever
  12. Tennis the Menace
  13. Day of the Jackanapes
  14. New Kids on the Blecch
  15. Hungry, Hungry Homer
  16. Bye Bye Nerdie
  17. Simpson Safari
  18. Trilogy of Error
  19. I'm Goin' to Praiseland
  20. Children of a Lesser Clod
  21. Simpsons Tall Tales
List of all Simpsons episodes...

"The Computer Wore Menace Shoes" is an episode of The Simpsons.


[edit] Synopsis

Homer shows up to work, but no one lets him in. Lenny and Carl stop by and tell him the plant is closed; everyone else was informed via e-mail. Homer decides to buy a computer. The best one costs $5,000 and Homer must start a fifth mortgage. After he gives up on learning how to use it, Lisa sets up the computer. Homer quickly catches on and starts his own webpage, which contains copyrighted material from other pages. To avoid getting sued, Homer calls himself "Mr. X". When no one visits his page, Homer posts a rumor that Mayor Quimby spent the street repair fund on a secret swimming pool. The rumor is later proven to be true.

Homer later decides to post more rumors and keep digging and probing until everyone is in jail. He later uncovers that Apu is selling week-old donuts as bagels, a police scandal, and that Mr. Burns is selling uranium to terrorists. Mr. X wins the Pulitzer Prize, but when Homer hears the cash reward is going to starving children because no one knows who Mr. X is, he reveals that he is Mr. X. With the whole town aware of Homer's double identity, no one wants to talk to him. As his webpage's popularity goes down, Homer posts made-up stories. As Homer's page gets popular again, he gets kidnapped.

Homer wakes up on "the Island", a strange community straight out of The Prisoner (with the exception of the name, which in The Prisoner is "the Village".) Everyone there has a secret that a powerful organization doesn't want to share with the world. Homer learns that one of his stories was true (the story he was captured for indicated that flu shots control your mind). While he is trapped, Homer is replaced at home by an impersonator with a German accent. Homer gets help from Number Six (voiced by Patrick McGoohan, reprising the role he played in The Prisoner) and escapes the island. He returns home and defeats his German double. However, the entire family is drugged by the dog and taken back to the Island, where they are quite happy.

[edit] Trivia

  • A reproduction of Mr. X's webpage was put up by Fox shortly before the episode aired and is still viewable as of December 2006. It is extremely faithful to the episode, with one omission: there is none of the poor grammar and spelling noted by Skinner.
  • Homer uses the pseudonym "Mr. X" in the episode "Secrets of a Successful Marriage", when he is recreating a scenario between him and Marge.
  • This episode leaves the family stuck on the island, with no obvious way of how they are meant to get back. Another example of an 'anti-ending' episode is "Missionary: Impossible".
  • In the German dubbed version, Homer's doppelganger has a slightly Italian sounding accent.
  • This episode got 1.58 million viewers on its premiere Sky One showing in the UK on 7 January 2001, at the time the highest rated Simpsons episode on the channel ever. However, the record would be broken a month later with "Skinner's Sense of Snow", which got 1.65 million.

[edit] Cultural references

  • The story Mr. X posts on his website about flu shots being used as a mind control agent may be a reference to The X-Files episode "Red Museum".
  • Homer's exclamation that he is a man and not a number, only to look at the pin on his shirt, is a parody of Patrick McGoohan's famous phrase from The Prisoner, "I am not a number, I am a free man!"
  • The title is a pun on The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes, a 1969 film that has a loosely related plot.
  • This episode makes many references to the popular TV show The Prisoner and controversial journalist Matt Drudge.
  • The storyline references the movie Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson when the main character publishes a long list of innaccurate stories and one of them ends up being true, but the character does not immediately know which one.

[edit] Quotes

  • Marge: (talking about the island) Once you get used to the constant druggings, this place isn't so bad.
    Homer: Oh it is wonderful. Truly God's country!
    (a koala comes up and removes his mardi gras mask, clouding the camera with tear gas)
    Homer (drugged): See you on...the Island.
    Lisa (drugged): Yes...the Island.
  • (after Homer escapes and pops Rover)
    Number Two: Why did you think a big balloon would stop him?
    Female scientist: Shut up! That's why!
  • Marge: Homie!
    Fake Homer: (German accent) Marge, honey, fräulein, I'm home.
    Marge: You're not my husband!
    Fake Homer: Ja, please forgive my unexplained two week absence. To make it up to you, we will go out to a sensibly priced restaurant, then have a night of efficient German sex.
    Marge: Well, I sure don't feel like cooking.
  • Fake Homer: Aren't there any evil movies on? Maybe something about an evil island?
    Bart: There's something different about you, Dad.
    Fake Homer: I am a new tie wearing.
    Bart: Oh yeah...
  • Homer: (after setting up the computer himself, he tries to command it by speaking into the mouse, à la Scotty in Star Trek IV) "Computer, kill Flanders."
  • Phil (reporter): This morning, "Mr. X" reported that your own department...
    Wiggum: I know, I know. But I assure you, the police do not let prisoners out of their cells and race them...anymore.
    Phil: What about using the electric chair to cook chicken?
    Wiggum: Okay, this press conference is over.
  • Number Six (after Homer steals his boat which he spent 33 years building): That's the third time that's happened!
  • Burns: Then it is settled. I shall supply you terrorists with deadly uranium.
    Arab Terrorist: Mr. Burns, you are a credit to the Great Satan.
    Burns: Oh, please.
    Homer (observing from an air vent): I love spying.
    (one of the terrorists takes a uranium rod, which begins emitting fumes)
    Burns: Don't worry about those fumes. They'll be sucked into that air vent. (the fumes go into the shaft. Homer groans and his notebook falls out. Burns sees it and puts the notebook back in) This place is falling apart!
  • Homer (showing his webpage): You'd think all those bells are annoying, but they're not.
    Bart: I got suspended from school today.
    Homer: No kidding. Lisa, what do you think? It's great, isn't it? Just say it's great if you'd like.
    Bart: They found a switchblade in my locker.
    Lisa: Well, a webpage is supposed to be a personal thing. You've just stolen copyrighted material from everyone else. They could sue you for that.
    Bart: I took a swing at a cop.
    Homer: They can't sue me if they don't know who I am. I'll just call myself "Mr. X". (types "Mr. X" into his webpage)
    Bart: I'm just mad all the time.
    Homer: Yup, ya can't go wrong with Mr. X.
  • Comic Book Guy (on the internet): Let's see here. "X-Rated Girls", already bookmarked. "Dial X For Sex". "Mr. X"? Hmm, shall I cross the final frontier? (clicks on link. As Mr. X's page opens, Homer's head is briefly visible before it is covered by a black bag) What's this? (clicks link) "Stolen Funds: Pothole Money Used for Swimming Pool"?! There is no emoticon for what I'm feeling!
  • Skinner: Our mayor's corrupt? Hmm. Mr. X has certainly done this town a great service, despite his poor grammar and spelling.
    Agnes (in another room): Seymour, are you looking at pictures of naked ladies?!
    Skinner: No, Mother.
    Agnes: You sissy!
  • (on the Springfield Police Department webpage, there is a Wiggum icon on the main page)
    Wiggum icon: If you have committed a crime and you would like to confess, click "yes". Otherwise, click "no". (Homer clicks "no") You have chosen "no", meaning you have committed a crime, but do not want to confess. A paddywagon is now speeding your home.
    Homer: Hey!
    Wiggum icon: While you wait, why not buy a police cap or t-shirt? You have the right to remain fabulous!
  • Lenny: According to my uncle, Miss Springfield isn't as beautiful as she seems. Word on the street is that she uses appearance-altering cosmetics. (the other barflies are amazed as Homer stands in the corner, taking notes)
    Carl: The public should be warned. I wish Mr. X were here.
    Homer (slyly): Oh, I don't know, Carl. He might be closer then you think.
    Carl: Are you him? Are you Mr. X?
    Homer: No!
    Carl: But you talk in that real sly voice. (aloud) Hey everybody, Homer's Mr. X!
    Homer: I am not! (slyly) Or am I?
    Lenny: Are you?
    Homer: No!
    Moe: Well, if Mr. X were here right now, I'd buy him a tall frosty.
    Homer: Hey, Moe, can you keep a secret?
    Moe: No.
    Homer: Not even a little one?
    Moe: No!
    Homer: What if I just whisper it?
    Moe: No, I tell's ya!
  • Homer: Where am I? What is this place?
    Man 1: This is...the Island.
    Homer: How do I get out?
    Man 2: Oh, no one leaves the...Island.
    Homer: So I'm a prisoner? How come?
    Man 1: Because you know something.
    Homer: But I don't know anything. At least, I don't think I do.
    Man 1: See you tomorrow.
    Homer: No you won't! (darts into a British Red telephone box) Hello, operator? I'd like to report a really weird island! Please send lots of rescue copters to... (the phone emits some kind of nerve gas)(drugged) Somewhere...alright...whatever. (passes out)
  • (A lá The Prisoner)
    Homer: I am not a number! I am a man, and don't you ever...oh wait...
    (He notices a button on his shirt with a "5" on it)
    Homer: I'm Number Five. Ha-ha! In your face, Number Six!
  • Homer:Save me, Mr.X! Wait, I'm Mr.X! Oh...

[edit] External links

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