The Captain (comics)

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The Captain

Art by Stuart Immonen

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Nextwave #1 January 2006
Created by Warren Ellis
Stuart Immonen
Alter ego Unknown
Affiliations Nextwave, H.A.T.E.
Notable aliases Captain ☠☠☠☠
Captain Power
Captain Ron
Captain L. Ron
Captain Universe
Captain Ultra
Captain Avenger
Captain Avalon
Captain Marvel
Captain Kerosene
Abilities Superhuman strength and endurance, flight, enhanced sight

The Captain (formerly Captain ☠☠☠☠, where ☠☠☠☠ is an unknown expletive) is a fictional character, a satiric Marvel Comics superhero appearing in the book Nextwave. He was created by Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen and first appeared in Nextwave #1 (January 2006).

[edit] Fictional character biography

Little is known about The Captain's past before he joined H.A.T.E., the organization which assembled Nextwave. One of the few facts known are when he was a child, his mother hanged his favorite teddy bear, Special Bear; due to this, he dislikes teddy bears even in adulthood. By his own admission, he used to go by Captain ☠☠☠☠, a moniker so offensive that when he met Captain America, the Avenger beat him severely and left him in a dumpster with a bar of soap in his mouth.

As seen in Nextwave #4, The Captain gained his powers from "The Heartstar of the space between the galaxies," also referred to as the "Messianic Siddhe-complex," which was bestowed upon him by a pair of small, green, altruistic extraterrestrials named Spa-Fon and Squa-Tront in order to make Brooklyn a better place. As The Captain was incredibly drunk at the time, it is unknown if he remembers this event exactly, as he immediately attacked both aliens, believing them to be gold-bearing leprechauns (an apparent reference to a bit from comedian Patton Oswalt: "If you hit a midget on the head with a stick, he turns into 40 gold coins)."

The Captain continues to use his codename in the Nextwave group while the other members have dropped them; according to Aaron Stack, this is due to an inability to remember his real name. Whether this memory loss is caused by his powers, a specific past event, or simply overindulgence of alcohol is not yet known. (Of course, it could simply be Machine Man's commentary on the Captain's drunkeness.) He has had a lot of codenames, all of them starting with 'Captain', and had to abandon them all because someone else was already using them. He mentions having to pay the original Captain America (who once went by "The Captain") to use his current codename.

Similar to the rest of Nextwave, The Captain dresses in civilian clothes - specifically sneakers, camouflage pants, a trenchcoat, and a white T-shirt with a black star which resembles the Heartstar - despite becoming a superhero "for the mask," as he stated in issue one.

The Captain is extremely cynical, foul-mouthed, and hard-drinking. His age is as yet undetermined, but his mother conceived him while listening to Roxy Music's 1982 album Avalon which would make him at most 23 years old.

[edit] Powers and abilities

The Captain has, as of issue five, displayed superhuman strength, durability, the ability to fly unaided, and enhanced vision. He is strong enough to break one of the digits of the giant dragon Fin Fang Foom, and has survived being at the epicenter of an explosion that did considerable damage to an entire city block. The Captain's powers apparently are not hindered by alcohol, as he once accidentally drove a man's lungs through his chest merely by patting him on the back, his excuse being he was drunk at the time.

According to dialogue by the aliens, his powers are magical in origin.

He has referred to his powers as "My generic set of super hero abilities", alluding to the satiric nature of his design, and his own cynical personality. Whether or not this joke alludes to other "generic" powers (superspeed, energy projection and other enhanced senses) is yet to be seen.

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