The Atlas Society

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Part of the Philosophy series on

Important groups
Objectivist movement
Ayn Rand Institute
Nathaniel Branden Institute
The Atlas Society

Important figures
Ayn Rand
Nathaniel Branden
Alan Greenspan
Leonard Peikoff
Harry Binswanger
Peter Schwartz
Yaron Brook
David Kelley
George Reisman
Chris Sciabarra

Special topics


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The Atlas Society -- of which The Objectivist Center (TOC) (originally the Institute for Objectivist Studies or IOS) is a part -- is a research and advocacy organization promoting a culture that affirms Ayn Rand's Objectivist values of reason, individualism, freedom, and achievement. It is part of the Objectivist movement that split off from the more orthodox Ayn Rand Institute (ARI) in 1989 due to disagreements over whether the philosophy of Objectivism was a "closed system" or an "open system." [1]

Founder David Kelley espouses Objectivism as an open system, hence the organization has advocated what he terms "a policy of tolerant, open debate and free discussion" at its forums. It has also been willing to cooperate with certain libertarians on joint projects, and to carry works by individuals such as Nathaniel Branden, who likewise fell out with the ARI.[2][3]

TAS began as the Institute of Objectivist Studies in 1990, and was renamed The Objectivist Center in 1997. In 1999, the Center founded "The Atlas Society" as a "special part of our Web site [that was] meant to appeal to those who read Ayn Rand novels." On June 5th, 2006, the organization announced that they "have decided to use The Atlas Society as our official name, which will help us promote our ideas to Rand readers as well as to the general public, while reserving The Objectivist Center name for our more academic and scholarly activities." [4]

The Society continues to host conferences, including an annual summer seminar; conducts scholarly research and student training; issues pamphlets, recordings, op-eds, and monographs; provides speakers to the media and to campus groups; and publishes a magazine of politics and culture, The New Individualist] (previously titled Navigator, published 1997-2004).


[edit] See also

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ About The Atlas Society
  2. ^ The Contested Legacy of Ayn Rand
  3. ^ Objectivism and Libertarianism
  4. ^ Names

[edit] External links

[edit] Sites critical of the Atlas Society