The Ashley Book of Knots

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The Ashley Book of Knots is an encyclopedia of knots first published in 1944 by Clifford Ashley. The culmination of over 11 years of work, it contains some 7000 illustrations and 3854 entries covering over 2000 different knots. The entries include instructions, uses, and for some knots, histories, and are categorized by type or usage. It remains one of the most important books on knots, as it is one of the most extensive, covering both good knots and bad, and noting which is which.


[edit] Use as a reference

Due to its scope and wide availability The Ashley Book of Knots has become a significant reference work in the field of knotting. The numbers Ashley assigned to each knot can be used to unambiguously identify them. This is a useful function since knot names have evolved over time and there are many conflicting or confusing naming issues. Citations to Ashley numbers are usually in the form: "The Constrictor Knot (ABOK #1249)", "ABOK #1249" or even simply "#1249" if the context of the reference is clear or already established.[1] The book title is also found abbreviated in the forms: TABOK, TABoK, or ABoK.

It is important to keep in mind that some knots have more than one Ashley number due to having multiple uses or forms. For example, the main entry for #1249 is in the chapter on binding knots but it is also listed as #176 in a chapter on occupational knot usage.

It should be noted that the Ashley Book of Knots was published in the days of natural fiber cordage, and some entries included within are not suitable or safe tied in modern day synthetics.

[edit] Trivia

In her acknowledgements for The Shipping News, E. Annie Proulx states, "And without the inspiration of Clifford W. Ashley's wonderful 1944 work, The Ashley Book of Knots, which I had the good fortune to find at a yard sale for a quarter, this book would have remained just a thread of an idea."[2] Ashley's illustrations and quotes are used at chapter headings throughout the book.

[edit] Further reading

  • Clifford W. Ashley. The Ashley Book of Knots. Faber and Faber, London & Boston. ISBN 0-385-04025-3

[edit] References

  1. ^ J.C. Turner and P. van de Griend (ed.), The History and Science of Knots (Singapore: World Scientific, 1996), 22.
  2. ^ E. Annie Proulx, The Shipping News (New York: Scribner, 1993)
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