The Apprentice 3

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The Apprentice 3
Winner Kendra Todd
Season run January 2005 – May 2005
Filming Dates Unknown – Unknown
Number of episodes 17
Number of candidates 18
Teams Magna and Net Worth
Season chronology
Previous season The Apprentice 2
Next season The Apprentice 4

The Apprentice 3 is the third season of The Apprentice. It premiered January 20, 2005 on NBC. In this season, two groups of nine were divided into book smarts (who took the name Magna Corp) and street smarts (called Net Worth) referring to those with and without a college education. This replaced the Battle of the Sexes concept from The Apprentice 2.


[edit] Candidates

The Net Worth team contained five men and four women, and the Magna Corp team contained four men and five women. Trump stated that "[y]ou just have to be business-smart," no matter what kind of smarts you have. See the candidates page for specific details on the candidates.

[edit] Episodes

[edit] Week 1: Whopper 101

  • Airdate: January 20, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Burger King
  • Magna project manager: Todd
  • Net Worth project manager: John
  • Project: To promote a brand-new hamburger product from Burger King.
  • Winning team: Net Worth
    • Reward for Winning: Dinner with Trump at the famed Club 21 restaurant.
  • Losing team: Magna
    • Final Boardroom: Alex, Todd, and Danny
    • Fired: Todd
  • Special notes:

[edit] Week 2: Motel 666

  • Airdate: January 27, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Yahoo!
  • Magna project manager: Michael
  • Net Worth project manager: Brian
  • Project: To renovate a motel requiring a mandatory guest review on a local Yahoo! site.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: An evening of dinner, drinks, and cigars with businessman Steve Forbes aboard his yacht.
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: No nominations, no "Internal Executive Review"
    • Fired: Brian
  • Special notes:

[edit] Week 3: Trouble is Brewing

  • Airdate: February 3, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Nestlé
  • Magna Project Manger: Danny
  • Net Worth project manager: Angie
  • Project: To promote Nestlé's premium coffee brand, Nescafé Taster's Choice.
  • Winning team: Net Worth
  • Losing team: Magna
    • Final Boardroom: Stephanie, Danny, and Michael
    • Fired: Danny
  • Special notes:
    • This episode features the first time in Apprentice history that a contestant quit (Verna).
    • The summary of this episode, due to its length, has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.

[edit] Week 4: Soap Dopes

  • Airdate: February 10, 2005
  • Sponsor: Dove and Deutsch, Inc.
  • Magna project manager: Erin
  • Net Worth project manager: Kristen
  • Project: To create an advertising campaign for a new product from Dove: Cool Moisture Body Wash.
  • Both Magna and Net Worth failed the task—Both teams are asked to return back to the boardroom
    • Final Boardroom: Erin, Michael, Bren, Tana, Kristen, and Audrey
    • Fired: Kristen
  • Special notes:
    • This episode features the first time in Apprentice history that there are no winners and no rewards due to double-failure.
    • While Net Worth's marathon runner commercial was a failure on The Apprentice 3, the same concept was used on a commercial in France for Mennen Sport.
    • The summary of this episode, due to its length, has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.

[edit] Week 5: Airstream of Consciounsness

  • Airdate: February 17, 2005
  • Sponsor: Visa USA and Airstream
  • Magna project manager: Bren
  • Net Worth project manager: Tana
  • Project: To create their own mobile service business with the help of Visa and Airstream.
  • Winning team: Net Worth
    • Reward for Winning: $20,000 shopping spree for pearls at Mikimoto
  • Losing team: Magna
    • Final Boardroom: Stephanie, Michael, and Bren
    • Fired: Michael
  • Special notes:
    • Change in Judges: Jill Cremer (for Carolyn)
    • The summary of this episode, due to its length, has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.

[edit] Week 6: The Writing on the Wall

  • Airdate: February 24, 2005
  • Sponsor: Sony Electronics and Sony PlayStation
  • Magna project manager: Alex
  • Net Worth project manager: Tara
  • Project: To create a graffiti advertisement in Harlem for Sony PlayStation 2's new racing simulator game, Gran Turismo 4.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: Photo shoot with a well-known photographer
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Audrey, Tara, and Craig
    • Fired: Tara
  • Special notes:
    • Change in Judges: Jill Cremer (for Carolyn)
    • This is the start of Net Worth's Major Losing Streak
    • The summary of this episode, due to its length, has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.

[edit] Week 7: Project Putt-putt

  • Airdate: March 3, 2005
  • Sponsor: Golfing segment of The Trump Organization
  • Magna project manager: Stephanie
  • Net Worth project manager: Audrey
  • Project: To build a miniature golf course and attract the most business.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: Golf game with Trump and Christy Kerr
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Craig, John, Audrey, and Angie
      • John was disrespectful of Audrey and maintained a poor attitude through the task.
    • Fired: Audrey
  • Special notes:
    • Change in Judges: Ashley Cooper (for George)
    • Chris was lambasted for chewing tobacco in his clown costume.
    • Kendra 'cut Net Worth off at the knees' by doing 'exclusive' promotion deals to place her flyers at many other kid-friendly establishments.

[edit] Week 8: Bling it On

  • Airdate: March 10, 2005
  • Hosting Company: FUSE TV, a cable-TV channel
  • Magna project manager: Kendra
  • Net Worth project manager: Chris
  • Project: To run a charity auction where the bidders will get special attention/prizes from famous music stars.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: None, since this was a charity episode.
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Chris, John, and Erin
    • Fired: John
  • Special notes:

[edit] Week 9: What You Didn't See ...

  • Airdate: March 17, 2005
  • This episode featured unaired footage from the first eight weeks.

[edit] Week 10: Pandora's Box

  • Airdate: March 24, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Home Depot
  • Magna project manager: Craig
  • Net Worth project manager: Angie
  • Project: To create a short presentation/event for Home Depot.
    • Magna: Craig decides Magna should make a box. Alex, Bren, Kendra, and Tana think this is a horrible idea with no imagination and drag their feet for a long time. Craig winds up alone building the box in Home Depot. Eventually they come around and kick in. Their presentation ends up being a big draw for kids, because they can finger paint and draw on the boxes and build it with their parents.
    • Net Worth: Net Worth decides to build a mobile kitchen island. Angie decided not to make Erin the presenter because of her bad attitude earlier; Erin said she doesn't know anything about home depot, and Angie felt she isn't participating. Their presentation flops as Chris puts the top on upside down, and the short presentation winds up being more than 20 minutes long. The crucial factor, in the eyes of the expert assessors, was that in a clinic it is vital to have customer involvement, but here the team did the assembly themselves.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: Taking a ride in a Zero-G jet, simulating weightlessness in space.
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Chris, Angie, and Erin
      • Trump says Erin should have been the presenter and is considering firing Angie (even though George and Carolyn advised against it). That is when Erin screws up. Trump talks about always listening to George and Carolyn when Erin says "Do you have to?" in a flirtatious manner, winking at Trump. This sets off Carolyn who says "That was a dumb comment" with her trademark ice rocket stare of doom. Trump says, "You're a real wise guy" to Erin, and then fires her.
    • Fired: Erin

[edit] Week 11: The Pie's the Limit

  • Airdate: March 31, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Domino's Pizza
  • Magna project manager: Bren
  • Net Worth project manager: Stephanie
  • Project: To create a new pizza for Domino's Pizza, and sell it from a mobile street trailer.
    • Magna: Tana brings out her Italian cooking knowledge and builds a nice design. Magna did well because they decided to sell to the city banks who would give them big orders.
    • Net Worth: Chris and Alex sell a bunch of advanced-order pizzas to a construction site near where the task starts. Unfortunately the actual selling site the next day winds up being across town. There are so many pizzas that it takes two people to carry them on the subway. Stephanie decides to go do this personally and apologizes to the workers because she feels it is a stain on her honor to have the pizzas get there late. While Stephanie is gone from the pizza making site, Chris starts freaking out. This could probably be attributed partly to tobacco withdrawal because he had quit chewing tobacco cold turkey after Trump dissed him for it in the past episodes. Chris gets in a fight with Alex, Alex asserts himself, Chris makes aggressive statements. Later on during discussion Stephanie uses the word 'threat', which Alex then agrees is what happened. Stephanie tries to use all this in the boardroom to get Chris fired. The marketing street workers that Net Worth hires mill around and do not hit the hot spots.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: Having breakfast with Trump in his gold-plated palace apartment. Trump cracked "The budget for the apartment was unlimited and it was exceeded!".
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Alex, Stephanie, and Chris
      • Carolyn made it clear that she wanted Chris to go because she was concerned about his volatility. However, while Trump was upset at Chris's performance, he was more concerned about Stephanie's poor leadership skills and her inability to handle difficult people (especially Chris). This caused Trump to fire Stephanie instead of Chris as the ability to overlook subordinates is an important task for a Project Manager.
    • Fired: Stephanie
  • Special notes:
    • Team Reassignments: Alex, from Magna to Net Worth
    • They both use 'meatballs' since Trump said he likes meatballs.

[edit] Week 12: Seams Stress

  • Airdate: April 7, 2005
  • Sponsor: American Eagle and Sony
  • Magna project manager: Tana
  • Net Worth project manager: Alex
  • Project: To create some kind of 'high tech' modifications to clothing for American Eagle Outfitters company.
    • Magna: Magna does more research than Net Worth, figuring out that the gadget the market most wants is the cell phone. Tana tries to keep a positive attitude, even when Bren and Craig bring back clothing that has been manhandled by the silkscreen shop, with paint blobs and a backwards logo on one of the items.
    • Net Worth: Angie feels that Alex assigned her too many tasks, pointing out the white board where she has over 15 things to do while he has one. She runs out of time and doesn't prepare for the presentation well. Angie guesses that the gadget the market most wants is the iPod. There is chaos as the presentation approaches and one of the models forgets to bring their clothing. Angie stammers in the presentation, repeats sentences and reads off cue cards.
  • Winning team: Magna
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Chris, Angie, and Alex
      • Carolyn criticises Chris while Michelle criticises Angie. Trump says that Chris and Angie have both been there six times. This is a bit unfair since twice Angie was brought in for reasons unrelated to her performance. Nevertheless, Trump goes on to attack Angie, while saying that Alex had done well but was brought down by these two 'losers'. Trump asks her "did you choke", to which, after much hasseling from Trump, she replies "yes", and she's fired. Trump says, afterwards, "I don't want chokers in my organisation". Later in the Taxi Cab Angie says she wants everyone to know that she "didn't choke".
    • Fired: Angie
  • Special notes:
    • Change in Judges: Michelle Scarbrough (a Trump Organization staff attorney) (for George)

[edit] Week 13: A Lonely Drive

  • Airdate: April 14, 2005
  • Sponsor: Pontiac and General Motors
  • Magna project manager: Kendra
  • Net Worth project manager: Chris
  • Project: To prepare a sales brochure for the Pontiac Solstice car.
    • Magna: Magna comes up with a round brochure that looks very interesting and unique and has spaces for a CD and business cards. Its theme is the emotions that the car engenders. Pontiac decides to use the brochure in their stores. However Tana and Craig go to sleep before it is done, leaving Kendra to finish it all. In the presentation to Pontiac, Tana tries to take over from Kendra but Kendra gets her two cents in.
    • Net Worth: Net Worth's brochure has boring writing and looks generic. The lead photograph of the car is blurred with the intention of conveying speed. In the presentation to Pontiac, Chris gets nervous and stumbles over his lines, making up new words like 'interiorally and exteriorally'.
  • Winning team: Magna
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Alex, Bren, and Chris
      • George rages on their 'fuzzy picture'. Alex says Bren's writing is boring. Bren defends his writing by saying Alex should have told him the problem sooner. Trump starts grilling Chris about why he has been in the boardroom losing so much. Chris doesn't flip out but admits that they lost. Donald asks George and Carolyn who they would fire and they both say Chris. This, and a seven week losing streak, seals Chris's fate. He starts crying when he is fired. Trump calls him back and says he is a good kid and to stop chewing tobacco and chill out.
    • Fired: Chris for his 7-week losing streak
  • Special notes:
    • Team Reassignments: Bren, from Magna to Net Worth

[edit] Week 14: I Can't Believe It's Not Clutter

  • Airdate: April 21, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Staples
  • Magna project manager: Craig
  • Net Worth project manager: Alex
  • Project: To design an office organizer for Staples and successfully present it to a focus group of Staples executives and managers.
    • Magna: Magna (Craig, Kendra, and Tana) creates a space-saving, efficient desk organizer (See Postnote) in spite of a catfight between Craig and Kendra. They held face-to-face meetings with the Staples executives and a group of managers as a focus group.
    • Net Worth: Net Worth created a space-wasting, awkwardly-arranged invention (basically, a mobile second desk) that paled in comparison to Magna's space-friendly, and efficient invention. In fact, Magna's invention has easier access to 'things' as opposed to Net Worth's invention. Alex had decided to dispense with face-to-face meetings, to save time, but Bren was unable to set up a focus group conference call.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: Breakfast at the Rainbow Room with George and Carolyn
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Alex and Bren
      • George is embarrassed at both Alex and Bren for poor invention skills, although Alex and Bren thought they had a better-looking product. The focus of this boardroom was that Alex and Bren's invention took up too much space, plus all the papers and supplies had to be placed in an awkwardly inconvenient matter. Carolyn pointed out the design/invention flaws during the boardroom. Donald, George, and Carolyn apparently were not happy with the difficulty of use arising from this "Packrat" invention idea Alex and Bren had.
      • Alex showed his killer instinct in the boardroom while Bren let slip that he does not like to take risks at all. This caught the attention of Trump; Bren was therefore fired for his inability to take risks.
    • Fired: Bren for his unwillingness to take risks
  • Special notes:
    • Trump stated that regardless of the outcome of this task, because the interview is entering its final stages, no further exemptions would be issued.
    • You can now purchase Magna's invention (officially dubbed and released as The Desk Apprentice) at Staples stores everywhere or through Staples Online for about $29.99 USD.

[edit] Week 15: Bedazzled by a Beefy T

  • Airdate: April 28, 2005
  • Hosting Company: Hanes
  • Magna project manager: Kendra
  • Net Worth project manager: Tana
  • Project: To design a t-shirt for Hanes celebrating their 50th anniversary, and make the most money selling the shirt.
  • Winning team: Magna
    • Reward for Winning: Engaging in a Dogfight in two fighter planes.
  • Losing team: Net Worth
    • Final Boardroom: Alex and Tana
    • Fired: Alex
  • Special notes:
    • This the end of Net Worth's major losing streak. Although Tana lost, the teams will not be called "Net Worth" or "Magna" anymore.
    • The summary of this episode, due to its length, has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.

[edit] The Games People Play/Into the Stretch

  • Airdate: May 5, 2005
  • Sponsor:
    • Book Smarts: Sony PlayStation, Best Buy, and Electronic Arts Sports Division
    • Street Smarts: NYC 2012 Olympics Board/Committee with the City of New York
  • Book Smarts Finalist: Kendra
  • Street Smarts Finalist: Tana
  • Project:
    • Book Smarts: To do the Best Buy Fight Night Promotion.
    • Street Smarts: To do the NYC 2012 Athlete Challenge.
  • Hired: Kendra
  • Fired: Craig for his lack of substance during the Week 15 Interviews, and Tana for poor treatment of her subordinates
  • Special notes:
    • The one-on-one interviews aired on the first part of the May 5, 2005 episode.
    • The first part of the final task was aired on May 5, 2005 after Craig's firing in the middle of Episode 15.
      • During the interviews, Kendra said that she would threaten to "compete with Trump" if he didn't hire her (but he did hire her).
    • Although it appeared that Tana and Kendra's "employees" were going to discuss their "employers" on the finale (based on the ending to the penultimate episode), the finale went directly to the live hiring instead.
    • The summary of this episode, due to its length, has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.
    • Trump's decision has been archived in a separate Wikipedia entry.

[edit] Week by week results

Candidate Original team Episode 8 team Episode 10 team Episode 12 team Episode 14 team Application result
Todd Everett Magna Fired week 1
Brian McDowell Net Worth Fired week 2
Verna Felton Magna Quit at start of week 3
Danny Kastner Magna Fired week 3
Kristen Kirchner Net Worth Fired week 4
Michael Tarshi Magna Fired week 5
Tara Dowdell Net Worth Fired week 6
Audrey Evans Net Worth Fired week 7
John Gafford Net Worth Net Worth Fired week 8
Erin Elmore Magna Net Worth Fired week 9
Stephanie Myers Magna Net Worth Net Worth Fired week 10
Angie McKnight Net Worth Net Worth Net Worth Fired week 11
Chris Shelton Net Worth Net Worth Net Worth Net Worth Fired week 12
Bren Olswanger Magna Magna Magna Net Worth Fired week 13
Alex Thomason Magna Magna Net Worth Net Worth Net Worth Fired week 14
Craig Williams Net Worth Magna Magna Magna Magna Fired week 15
Tana Goertz Net Worth Magna Magna Magna Net Worth Fired on the season finale
Kendra Todd Magna Magna Magna Magna Magna Hired

[edit] Quotes

  • George: "Are ?"
    • Chris: "Sir, I am not a homosexual!"
  • Michael: "I'm in this team no matter what. Let's make this vegetable porno the best vegetable porno we can possibly make — with a gay twist."
  • Trump: "I've always said, if you hang out with losers, you become a loser. And that's what's happened to you, Alex."
  • Erin: "As a former beauty queen ... "
  • Tana: (referring to her pretzels) "I paid for these bitches and they're coming home with me!"
  • Trump: (after watching Magna's failed Dove commercial) "Ay-yi-yi."
  • Craig: (referring to another team member wanting to use horizontal folders in The Desk Apprentice) "Now, if I put a horizontal folder in a vertical product, people would ask me...why did you put this horizontal folder in your vertical product?"

[edit] Additional information

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

          Trump Empire
Trump Entertainment Resorts (casinos) • Trump Organization (real estate and other ventures)
1st Generation: Fred Trump • Mary MacLeod Trump
2nd Generation: Donald TrumpMaryanne Trump Barry • Fred Trump, Jr. • 2nd Sister
3rd Generation: (Ivana Trump) - Donald Trump, Jr.Ivanka TrumpEric Trump | (Marla Maples) - Tiffany Trump | (Melania Knauss) - Barron William Trump
The Apprentice  (Seasons: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, MS) • Trumped!Trump Magazine  • Books
Notable Properties
Trump International Hotel and Tower (New York, Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Chicago, Toronto, SoHo, Honolulu, Dubai, Panama City, New Orleans, Phoenix)

Trump Tower (New York City, Tampa, Philadelphia, White Plains, Denver) • Trump Tower Variations (Trump World Tower, Trump Elite Tower Trump Towers by the Sea)

Trump Plaza (Atlantic City, Palm Beach, New York City, New Rochelle, Trump Plaza Tower)

Atlantic City Casinos: Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza, Trump Marina

Palm Beach estate Mar-A-Lago, Trump Grande, The Trump Building at 40 Wall Street, Trump Palace, Trump Parc, Trump Park Avenue, Grand Hyatt, Trump World I, II, and III, Riverside South/Trump Place, North Baja

Trump Golf: The Estates at Trump National, Trump International Golf Links

Various Enterprises
Miss UniverseDonald J. Trump Signature CollectionTrump UniversityTrump Mortgage • Go Trump
Other Trump Brand Name Uses
Trump VodkaTrump Ice
Annual Revenue: $26.5 million USD (FY 2005) | Employees: NA | Stock Symbol: NASDAQ: TRMP | Website:
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          The Apprentice
Starring Donald TrumpIvanka TrumpDonald Trump, JrCarolyn KepcherGeorge H. Ross

Mark Burnett, creator • Bill Rancic, frequent recurring character
Trump Tower in Manhattan (Location for seasons 1-5)

Past seasons

Season 1 (January 8April 15, 2004): Bill Rancic, winning Apprentice • Season 2 (September 9December 16, 2004): Kelly Perdew, winner • Season 3 (January 20May 19, 2005): Kendra Todd, winner
Season 4 (September 22December 15, 2005): Randal Pinkett, winner • Season 5 (February 27June 5, 2006): Sean Yazbeck, winner
The Apprentice: Martha Stewart (September 21December 21, 2005) starring Martha Stewart, Charles Koppelman and Alexis Stewart, featuring Dawna Stone, winning Apprentice

Current and future seasons
Season 6 (January 7 2007): Angela Ruggiero • 17 unnamed candidates

Season 7 (Dates to be determined during 2007-08 television season):

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