The Alleluia Files

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The Alleluia Files
Author Sharon Shinn
Country United States
Language English
Series Samaria
Genre(s) Fantasy
Publisher United States Ace Books
Released 1 May 1999
Media Type Print (Paperback)
Pages 448
ISBN 0441006205
Preceded by Jovah's Angel
Followed by Angelica

The Alleluia Files is a fantasy novel by Sharon Shinn, published in 1999. It is the third book in the Samaria Series.

And a god will fall...

Legend says the Archangel Alleluia and the mortal Caleb left a record of the truth they discovered about the god Jovah, though no document has ever been found. In time, an underground cult arose, seeking to find again what Alleluia found. But the reigning Archangel called down the wrath of Jovah upon the cult, and hundreds died in a hail of thunderbolts. Yet some still survive...

Among them is the woman Tamar, child of cultists, raised by angels. She believes that the actual disc, the Alleluia Files, exists. She is determined to find it, and free the people from their fear of Jovah, and the rule of angels.

She encounters the angel Jared, who has come to question the wisdom of Bael and his treatment of the cultists.

Together, they will journey the length and breadth of Samaria, seeking a truth that will alter the face of Samaria forever...