Talk:The Dirtbombs

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i remember in junior high school throwing clods of dirt called dirtbombs. we'd pull up the grass and there'd be dirt to throw. dirty laundry. dirty gossip. getting hit with a dirtbomb can hurt. i've heard the music of the dirtbombs. never became aware of them till recently. i wish i knew how old ko melina is. she's such a sweet hostess, on sirius channel these days. on saturday night. a clod of dirt, can even hurt a clodhopper. clods are allright. they are in this world too. i was in a band then called the cavaliers. we were an instant hit. but we never got paid. in junior high. as an actor from 8-14 in movies and tv, it was about getting paid. and so for our second performance i accidentally on purpose forgot the words to 'what i say'. see the girl with the red dress on, she really wants to get it on. and we fumbled and the curtain closed and all the girls, a few guys in the dance all had a good laugh. we played once more at crespi high school, catholic school. but girls hitting on us, with jealous boyfriends out to kill us, just the cavaliers were beaten up by the roundheads in history, cromwell's people. so, i slithered off back to orchestras and classical renditions. until i was 16, and had been exploited just long enuff. some of us can relate to this. wow, ko melina and company, you're better people than i gunga din. robert wagner is from detroit, michigan. and he was born there during the Depression of 1929. and his family said, california here we come. if hitler had been admitted to art school, world war 2, never would have happened. i will never criticize art again. i flunked it in junior high. but i was good at music. perspective was a concept that i just couldnt' grasp. some of us really do have asperger's syndrome. we just don't see things like most people do, or hear them that way either. it hurts. naturally, they see sounds as colors or as tastes. like a note or word that tastes like spaghetti. some call it synaesthesia. your synthesis of music will improve as you get older. i believe your greatest works are yet to come.