Talk:The Companions of the Avatar

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Hey, at an initial 27 DEX, Sherry could become a veritable archer. And she was only level 1, so a maximum of 21 attribute points were still left to distribute after she had been given suitable training... The first strength upgrade at the Shrine of Valor would enable her to carry a magic bow and a few dozen arrows, after the next she could carry some armor too, no later than after the third one, IIRC, she could wear an entire suit of magic armor. And she would have the regular 30 times level hitpoints. For example, at level 8 she could have 18 STR, 30 DEX, 240 HP, wear full magic armor and carry a magic bow plus at least 10 dozen arrows. At this time, she would be quite a force to be reckoned with, certainly the deadliest rodent in all of Britannia! And yet, despite carrying all that stuff, she'd still get through the tiniest mousehole. It's funny because it's true. Aragorn2 22:36, 28 July 2006 (UTC)