Stunts performed in Jackass: The Movie

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This is a listing of stunts and skits performed for the film Jackass: The Movie. Because of the dangerous nature of most of these stunts, there is a warning at the beginning of the film not to perform any of the stunts seen here.


[edit] Stunts in movie

[edit] Introduction

After the introductory warnings and logos, as well as hearing Chris Pontius' distinctive laugh in the MTV spaceman suit, the cast is featured riding in an oversized shopping cart, going down a bridge to the tune of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana. As they go, they have pieces of styrafoam "brick" fired at them. The cast names are interspersed throughout the sequence, each name appearing over a closeup of the corresponding cast member. Bam Margera and Ryan Dunn's intros are done over a clip of each hitting the other. Ehren, Dave and Preston fall off the cart, which comes to an abrupt stop, sending the rest of the crew flying into a fruit stand.

[edit] Rent-a-Car Crash-Up Derby

Johnny Knoxville dresses up in a long coat and dark sunglasses, goes into a car rental shop and rents a clean, white car. He spray paints racing numbers on it (spray-painting the number 3 in honor of Dale Earnhardt, who died in 2001) before taking it to a garage where mechanics essentially change the car into a racing car, removing all parts not necessary for riding in a race (however, the mechanics leave two naked blow-up dolls in the back seat as a visual sight gag).

Knoxville then takes part in a demolition derby (with Ehren participating in it) resulting in the car being completely wrecked, ending when one of the other cars goes through the windscreen with the wheel very close to his head. Knoxville then takes the car back to the rental shop and tries to get away without paying for any of the damage to the car. Knoxville attempts to deflect blame for himself for the mess, stating about the wreck, "I hit a dog". He then claims that he was drunk when he drove the car and that he was drunk when he signed the rental agreement (thus, in his eyes, he shouldn't be responsible, since he wasn't in his right mind when he signed the rental agreement).

When he and the clerk find themselves at an impasse, Knoxville simply walks out, pulls out the blow-up dolls, and runs off.

According to director Jeff Tremaine in the DVD commentary, this skit was the first time they were worried that "we just killed Johnny Knoxville."

The reactions of the manager of the rental store was genuine, since he wasn't in on the gag. However, the producers made sure first to get permission from the owner of the company before proceeding with the gag.

[edit] The Muscle Stimulator

Chris, Johnny, Dave and Ehren use electric muscle stimulators on unusual parts of the the body: anywhere apart from where it should be. Knoxville first applies them to his cheeks. Ehren then uses them on his chest, then Dave puts them on his hands and his perineum ("gooch"). After this, Knoxville then tricks Ehren into smelling it (citing it smelling like "man"), in which he then shoves the stimulator on his face and turns it on. Lastly, Pontius puts them on his testicles.

On the DVD commentary, it is noted that "It's hard to make Pontius scream."

[edit] Fatty Fall Down

Preston Lacey(complete with food) sits down on a bench. Just as someone walks by, the bench breaks and Michael goes smashing into the ground and his pants rip wide open, much to the amazement of the passer-by.

[edit] Golf Cart Antics

The crew dress up as stereotypical English golfers, take three golf carts (spraypainted "GNAR KILL!", "GOOCH" and "DOOBER"), and trash a mini-golf course. They then take the animals from the mini-golf onto the larger golf course and start doing jumps over them into the bunkers, with the golf carts.

Two different types of golf carts were used - electric golf carts, which only ran a couple of miles an hour (featured most prominently when the gang has to manually push the carts down a small hill into a pile of dirt), and gas-powered golf-carts, which went much faster (and were used on the golf course).

During the filming with the gas-powered golf carts, Ryan Dunn was driving and Knoxville was riding next to him. Dunn was supposed to drive through a sand-trap which had a large plastic pig in it, the intention being to crush the pig's head. However, the cart instead flipped over the pig and sent Knoxville crashing into the ground (Dunn landed relatively unscathed). Knoxville got a concussion from the accident and was nearly killed. After the accident, the rest of the skit was officially called off.

[edit] Party Boy Japan

Chris dresses in his party boy clothes and goes into a shop. He tests the stereos, and as they play he starts stripping down to his boxers. He then does an exotic dance for the store clerk, who calls a Security Guard; Then Chris goes out of the store.

[edit] Alligator Tightrope

Steve-O and the crew go to a zoo and set up a tightrope over the alligator pool. Steve-O attempts to walk over it wearing only a jockstrap and a helmet. He only makes it a few steps (being helped with his balance by a nearby tree branch) and falls off into the pool of alligators. Pontius, in his Bunny the Lifeguard outfit, then hangs a chicken from Steve-O’s ass to entice the alligators into biting it. After a first unsuccessful bite (Steve-O climbed onto the rope out of the way of the alligator), Steve-O then stands still long enough for an alligator to snatch the chicken, then runs out of the pool and almost into the path of a crocodile. It's then that he reveals that, though he has circus training, that was the first time he ever attempted to walk a tightrope.

[edit] Fireworks Wake-up

Bam goes into his parent's room at 12:42 AM and sets off a large number of fireworks in a trash can to wake them all up. Later, as Phil goes to work, Bam lets off some more fireworks in his van, including a gun loaded with confetti.

In the skit, Bam is seen wearing a large white bandage around his waist, the result of a previous accident. Bizarrely, he requested to have two Russian hats and some gold chains to complete the ensemble. On the DVD commentary, Ryan Dunn is quoted to saying that he loved the outfit so much that he wanted to hump him.

[edit] The Shoplifter

The skit originally starts with a revisit to the "90-Year-Old-Man" skit from the show, with Bam, Johnny, Spike Jonze and Dorothy Barnett dressing up as old men (and woman) and doing visual sight gags (such as Johnny falling off a treadmill and Spike colliding into Bam's motorized wheelchair with his own motorized wheelchair).

Johnny then walks into a shop, puts things into his jacket and trying to walk out of the shop. The shopkeeper notices and yanks all the items out of Johnny's jacket. Johnny walks slowly towards the door, still attempting to slip things into his jacket and having them pulled out by the shopkeeper. Outside, Johnny finally attempts to steal the Indian stand (used to advertise cigars), only to be chased off by the irate shopkeeper.

Johnny's mention of "I was Lon Chaney's lover" at the end of the skit was because he saw Lon's star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame as he walked out.

[edit] Hardware Store Crap

Dave England delays defecation for a day then prepares to go into a shop to defecate in a display toilet. Before they can do the skit, however, he ends up defecating in his pants (the crew was waiting until there were some extra people in the store before they sent Dave in, and joking in how Dave has to " fight and hold your poo" or " is it the first hard time you ever had to go boom boom". The smell of Dave's feces is so unbearable that everyone exited the car while Johnny shouts " he's shitting right NOW". Lance Bangs, the documentarian for the movie, throws up and films himself doing so.

Later that day (actually a week later according to Tremaine in the DVD commentary for the film), Dave does the same again and this time walks into the hardware store to the toliet section, pulls his pants down and defecats into a display toliet and reads a newspaper. The clerk or the owner of the store was asked by the cameraman where bolts where and the clerk replys until he sees Dave defecating in the toliet and asks him what is he doing. Dave gets up and leaves leaving the clerk/owner of the store looking at the toliet in disbelief. This is an example of how Irell & Manella had to edit the film for legal reasons. They made sure that in the film shown in the theater, it never looked like Dave's genitals were shown to any customers in the store because that could be considered "indecent exposure."

  Cameraman: Excuse me, do you got bolts.
  Clerk/Owner: We got bolts and- what the hell are you doing!?
  Dave: Oh im sorry im almost done.
  Clerk/Owner: I hope you didn't take a s!@# in that son of a b!@!$#
  Dave: Im afraid i already have sir.
  Clerk/Owner: You better clean it out because i don't want to display this b!@#$ anymore.

[edit] Clipper Cam

There is a POV of a clipper as either Knoxville or Dimitry sneaks up behind unsuspecting people and clips their hair down. Bam is the first clipped (while they were preparing the "April Says Fuck" skit), then Mat Hoffman, Benzo (their still photographer), Ehren and Johnny himself become vicitims to the clipper.

Later in the movie, Wee Man falls prey to the Clipper Cam. Wee Man claims he had gotten caught by the Clipper Cam previous to the skit shown on the film but Dimitry claimed, "I got you, but I didn't get you good enough. Let me get you again." Wee Man then sat there and Dimitry then proceeded to take a good chunk off of Wee Man's hair, prompting Wee Man in his own words on the commentary to say, "F**K THIS!" Ehren then gets clipped yet again, with the result that his hair is a mess by the end of filming.

[edit] Mousetraps

Ehren McGhehey dresses up as a mouse and throws himself into hundreds of set mousetraps in an attempt to get a piece of plastic cheese in the corner. Johnny then throws one and it lands on Ehren's crotch.

The opening intro took Ehren nearly 30 takes. Wondering what was taking him so long, Knoxville walked into the room where it was happening and asked Ehren, "Dude, what the fuck are you doing? "Hi, I'm Ehren McGhehey. This is the Mousetrap." THAT'S ALL YOU GOT TO SAY!!" Knoxville then stated he did it for him, which made Ehren mad. This then got Ehren to do the intro correctly. This can be heard on the audio commentary and can be seen briefly in one of the "Making Of" features on the DVD.

[edit] The Bungee Wedgie

Raab Himself puts on a large pair of underpants on bungee ropes and jumps off a tree. The first time, the bungee rope breaks and he goes crashing to the ground. The second time, they use four pair of underpants and successfully bounce Raab from a tree branch, leaving behind, as Johnny puts it, "bloody, shitty underpants."

[edit] Riot Control Test

Johnny Knoxville goes to the valley to get shot with a beanbag rifle projectile. Then he shows how it looks 2 days later, the bruise covering nearly the whole of his stomach.

This is another time Johnny was nearly killed. The first shot (edited out) was when the "expert" shooting the rifle completely missed. The beanbag would be lethal if it hit him in the chest, if it hadn't been protected, or the face, which was not protected. The reason it was edited out (and the reason that the movie never says where any of the stunts took place) is that while the "Jackass" crew could waive civil liability, they could not waive criminal liability. Technically speaking, if a local prosecutor wanted to win points by going after "immorality," they could have charged the rifleman with attempted murder and all of the Jackass crew with conspiracy. The Los Angeles law firm Irell & Manella was responsible for cutting out legally dubious bits. Here, they edited the scene to make it look like there was no risk of death, just a lot of pain. They cut out the first miss, as well as a hysterically funny reaction shot from Johnny while he's waiting for the second shot.[citation needed]

Johnny Knoxville was really irritated about this edit. He actually called up and yelled at one of the Irell partners trying to get this in (they didn't). And when they were doing the DVD commentary, he said something to the effect of "You won't believe what our lawyers made us take out..." and of course the lawyers had to cut out that part of the commentary too (in the commentary track of the film, there's about 90 seconds of silence from Johnny, Jeff and Dimitry in the middle of this skit).[citation needed]

[edit] The Big Cone

Wee Man gets into a big orange cone and walks around on the streets of Japan. He stops at the exit of an escalator, causing trouble for people who are getting off the escalator. Knoxville claims on the commentary that he is not fond of the skit, citing it is something that girls will love.

[edit] Ass Kicked by Girl

Ryan becomes the victim of a brief kickboxing match with a female Japanese professional kickboxer, Naoko Kumagai (introduced as "Kumagai Naoka"; family names are written first in Japan, and Naoko's first name was misspelled in the subtitles).

On the commentary, one of the castmates looked up her record in the United States. It was said she was 0-3.

[edit] Tropical Pole Vaulting

Steve-O pole vaults over palm trees, tables, and volleyball nets, and a filthy drainage ditch (with a visible cat corpse floating in it). Steve-O misses the ditch jump, and supposedly got a very nasty infection from the water. Finally, he jumps off a pier into the sea.

The drainage ditch Steve-O attempts to jump is one he's familiar with: during the course of the show, one of the skits had Steve attempting to ride a unicycle on the side of the ditch, only to fall in.

Trivia: The skit where Steve originally falls into the ditch when riding a unicycle is the first time the song "If You're Gonna Be Dumb, You Gotta Be Tough" by Roger Alan Wade was played on the show. The song has become the unofficial theme song of the movie and the show, especially as it's played again at the end of the closing credits of the movie.[citation needed]

[edit] Night Pandas

The crew dress up in Panda suits and run all over Japan skating, jumping through and over things, attacking each other, drinking booze, eating bamboo, and going up to random Japanese people. This is taken at Shibuya, Tokyo. It is said that it was Loomis Fall's idea, but he didn't know that pandas are from China. He in reality just wanted an excuse to take the show and go to Japan.

[edit] Rocket Skates

Johnny Knoxville goes to England to skate down hills. Already hard enough, he makes it harder by putting bottle rockets on the back of them and having them lit as he skates down the hill. He does this three times, the last time putting twice as many in the skates.

This was one of the skits that was originally shot for the show, but was pulled due to MTV censors.[citation needed]

In the scene where Knoxville tries to go down a narrow alleyway with the rocketskates, small shiny shards can be seen at the bottom of the screen. One of the cast members claims he though Knoxville was going to make it so he placed those there in an attempt to get him to fall over them and make the skit even funnier than it originally was.

[edit] Convenience Store Joust

Brandon Dicamillo rides on a bicycle dressed in medieval armor, carrying a lance, and shouting an indistinguishable war cry. (Bam mentioned on the commentary that it was something very funny, but Brandon's microphone wasn't working). He rides into a convenience store and hits Bam (who is pretending to be an anonymous customer on crutches) crashing into a set of shelves. People watch as Bam and Brandon struggle, with Brandon chasing Bam out of the store with his lance.

[edit] Roller Disco Truck

Bam, Steve-O, Chris, Wee Man, Ryan, Ehren and Dave all dress up in 70’s gear and go roller skating in the back of a truck. Preston starts the truck up and drives around corners so every one falls over.

On the commentary, Knoxville displays his disdain for this skit.

On the "Making Of" feature, Bam Margera mentions to the camera that they're doing a Paramount motion picture, yet they can't have fog and lights on at the same time.

[edit] Wasabi Snooters

Steve-O is at a sushi restaurant, where he snorts several lines of wasabi before vomiting over his plate of sushi. His eyes beginning to water, he violently vomits.

Johnny Knoxville is shown in the background dressed up in American regalia because it was his birthday on the Japanese calendar.

[edit] The Gong

Rick Kosick goes around in a sumo mawashi carrying a gong, and Johnny Knoxville hits the gong in front of random people. One time, Rick lifts the gong a bit high and Johnny hits him in the genitals. The skit ends when Johnny gongs someone and Chris sneaks up and rips off Rick's mawashi.

[edit] Bam's Mom Says Fuck

Earlier in the movie, Bam mentions that since they no longer had to bleep cuss words, he promises that he'll get April to say f**k.

Bam and Jess put a sedated alligator into April’s kitchen. When she comes home, she sees it and starts screaming "Is this real, this alligator?!" and then says, "That is the scariest fucking thing I ever saw in my whole life!"

The guys had originally set up the skit to scare Phil first (and his reactions can be seen in the Additional Scenes section of the DVD). Having seen Phil's reactions, they were better able to set up the cameras for when April would come home later that night.

Phil admits that the alligators were scary, but he wasn't as scared as April was going to be when she arrived home from work.

[edit] The Handrail

Clyde Singleton and Eric Koston teach Johnny Knoxville how to 50-50 grind a very long rail (essentially riding a skateboard on the handles of a handlebar in the middle of a stairway). Johnny almost makes it but falls off right at the end.

[edit] Jacuzzi

Preston Lacy sits in a hot tub on a porch wearing only his underwear, while he drinks a beer. He gets out of the hot tub and his butt crack is clearly visible. He walks inside the house while we see ducks walking around on the porch.

[edit] Paper Cuts

Johnny gets Ryan to give him paper cuts between the webbings of his fingers and his toes. The boys are visibly drunk and are seen throughout the skit drinking Miller High Life beer. Lance Bangs gets sick and vomits both from the hot lights (needed to keep the humidity low, so they could successfully perform paper cuts) and from having ate a pepperoni pizza for the first time in 13 years (he’s a vegetarian). Upon falling over, the group howls in laughter and Knoxvilles only assistance to Bangs is "Don't knock over the beer." Steve-O then gets a paper cut on the corners of his mouth. He's shown at the end of the skit putting a pillow to his face, because in a scene shown at the end credits he gets a papercut on the ridge of his nose.

[edit] The Fortune Teller

Chris Pontius is in the streets of Japan wearing his party boy uniform and carrying a boom box. He meets a fortune teller on the streets (who asks him if he spoke Japanese, in which Pontius replied yes.) As the fortune teller is about to tell Chris Pontius his fortune, Pontius replies "Wait a minute. I know what my fortune is. It's partying!". He plays the party boy theme and dances around the fortune teller. The fortune teller is annoyed and walks away.

[edit] Sweaty Fat Fucks

Bam and pro-BMXer Matt Hoffman and professional skater Tony Hawk, dress up in large clothes, wrapped in bubble-wrap and start skating (and falling) around a skate park, getting hurt and snapping boards. During his first stunt, dressed in bubble wrap, Matt dives down a vert ramp on his bike and falls straight to the ground, getting a concussion and even breaking his right wrist as a result. Bam also had to be treated during the filming of this skit, as part of the skit was filmed in Florida, and the heat caused Bam to suffer from heat exhaustion.

During the introduction, a female voice can briefly and faintly heard to say "Talk". This prompts Bam to introduce the skit, which he does with his eyes crossed.

On the DVD commentary, someone asks why Bam has some chips and a hoagie while he's skating. He quickly responds that it's because he's a fatass. A brief pause later, Ehren apologizes to Preston Lacy, who claims he was going to get up and get a sandwich before all the comments started.

[edit] Department Store Boxing

Johnny Knoxville has a boxing match with Butterbean in a department store. Knoxville is knocked out and hits his head on the corner of a shop display unit, falling unconscious to the ground. Johnny is then taken to a doctor, where he requires stitching to close up an open head wound. The first doctor they went to wouldn't allow them to film while he was stitching Johnny's head, so they went to Johnny's personal doctor instead.[citation needed]

[edit] Whale Shark Gummer

The skit opens with Steve-O and Pontius 'staring each other down', then walking into the ocean where they seize a sea cucumber and masturbate with it, causing it to spew white sticky strands in distress.

Pontius and Steve-O then put shrimp in netting trousers whilst wearing them. They go into the Japanese Sea where 30 foot whale sharks eat the shrimp from their crotches.

This skit resembles something of a precursor to Steve-O and Chris' future show, WildBoyz.

Pontius exhibits some nervousness before the skit begins. Knoxville or Tremaine tries to reassure him that "Whale Sharks resemble big puppy dogs." Pontius wonders aloud, "Sometimes puppies bite."

[edit] Tidal Wave

Johnny Knoxville is knocked over and pushed a large distance across grass turf by a massive amount of water. In the replay, the mechanism delivering the water is seen to be a reservoir suspended some feet above the ground with a chute directed at Knoxville. The scene was shot in Mexico.[citation needed]

In the commentary, Pontius and Tremaine mention that after this was done in 10 minutes, they spent the rest of the time in Mexico at a whorehouse. (This is debatable, since Knoxville is married.)

[edit] Off-Road Tattoo

Jeff Tremaine tries to give Steve-O a smiley face tattoo while riding in a Humvee 4WD truck on a BMX track being driven by Henry Rollins. By the end of the ride, the tattoo looks almost nothing like a smiley face. Before the actual stunt, you can see Steve-O getting a tattoo on his back that shows him giving two thumbs up while he is smiling and with the words "Yeah dude I rock!"(might or might not say "I rock"), and then imitating the tattoo himself.

[edit] Ass Rockets

Steve-O and Chris Pontius want to warm themselves up by lighting fireworks off various parts of their bodies: Steve-O’s buttocks, Chris’ penis (covered with a surgical glove, with the bottle rocket fastened on with string), then both at once. The last one almost hits Loomis in the face.

[edit] BMX Tug-of-War

Ryan Dunn and Preston are tied together by a long rope. Dunn rides his BMX and tries to pull Preston off a couch. Preston gets hurt falling off the couch and Ryan lands his bike in a pile of cacti.

In actuality, Ryan wasn't able to get enough speed to pull Preston off, (In the movie you can see that when the screen is split and you can see both Ryan and Preston when Ryan hits the cactus Preston is still on the couch) so the crew resorted to together yanking Preston off the couch and editing the film so it looked like Ryan was able to pull Preston off. This is a fact, you hear them talk about it during the commentary.[citation needed]

[edit] Yellow Snowcone

Ehren puts snow in a paper cone, packs it in, pees over it, then eats it. Then he gets sick. There is a brief scene with Dave England kicking him after which he vomits copiously in the snow, including the yellow snowcone that he had just eaten.

[edit] Golf Course Airhorn

Dave, Ehren and Johnny hide in some bushes on a golf course. Every time someone tries to tee off they blow the air horn to put them off. One golfer becomes so angry that he threw his golf club at them; another hits a ball in their direction. At one point, Knoxville apologizes to the golfers by yelling: "Sorry! I have bursitis!"

[edit] The Burglars

Johnny and Bam dress all in black (to imitate burglars) and use a bag of fake diamonds as an additional prop. They then drop into an office through from the foam roof tiles, make out like they're scooping up the 'diamonds', then leave. One employee was so alarmed that he instantly runs out of the door - he had to be to stopped from phoning the police as he was convinced it was real.[citation needed]

[edit] Butt X-ray

Before showing what the skit is, Steve-O reveals that he decided to drop out of the skit when he told his father about it and heard the sense of disappointment on the other end of the line (Ryan Dunn ended up trading the Off Road Tattoo skit with Steve for this one). He said "It's the one thing my dad told me not to do."

Ryan gets a little blue toy car, puts it in a condom, and then - with the supervision of a paramedic - has it inserted into his rectum. With the alibi that he passed out while drinking at a party and then woke up with severe rectal pain, he then goes to a doctor who takes an X-ray. The car shows up clearly and gives the doctor something to think about. Speaking in Spanish to a colleague over the telephone, the doctor surmises that Ryan must have attended a party full of deviant, drug-using homosexuals. As Ryan leaves, the doctor warns him not to tell anyone - not his girlfriend or his boyfriend - and states that the toy car's extraction will require professional medical intervention and should not be attempted at home. The cameraman (maybe Lance Bangs) asks the doctor what happens when Ryan takes EX Lax, the doctor said " diarreha all you want but no toy car".

Yet another edit for legal reasons. The lawyers had to make sure that it was ambiguous who put the car in Ryan's butt. In some states, it might be considered sodomy if someone else put the car in his butt. It wouldn't have been a crime to put the car in his own butt.[citation needed]

[edit] End Credits

Johnny Knoxville catapults into a pond. Rip Taylor is sitting in a boat in the pond and announces that "this is the end".

Afterwards, the movie credits roll by. The credits are superimposed on videos of brief skits which did not show up in the movie or outtakes from the movie.

[edit] Son of Jackass

At the end of the credits, Rip Taylor tells Johnny Knoxville that they should make 'Son of Jackass'. The screen then goes black, and the title "Coming Summer 2063" displays. The scene then shows all the Jackass crew from the introduction, all of them in 'old man' makeup. As they walk along, a huge explosion appears behind them, and they all start to scatter. The theme song for Jackass, Corona, starts playing as the various players are 'killed' either by explosions, or else in some other gruesome manner (Preston and Wee-Man, for instance, are killed by being run over by a truck, in an homage to a scene in Robocop). The last two standing are Knoxville and Steve-O, with Knoxville 'killed' by having a large shed dropped on him. 'Old' Steve-O faces the camera, gives his signature "Yeah, dude!", then walks off camera.

[edit] Additional segments cut from the film

In addition to what was shown in the film, there were some segments that either didn't make it into the film, or appeared in a truncated form (for example, only the last few seconds of Seattle Skimboarding were shown in the film itself).

[edit] Anthony in shopping cart

Cesar (Brandon DicaMillo) pushes Anthony (Bam Margera) along in a shopping cart in a supermarket, causing him to flip over a display of fruit and land on his back.

[edit] Pocket-ass return

Johnny walks into a sex shop and asks for a male 'pocket-ass' (a sex toy that simulates the male rectum). He then smears red dye over the opening and turns it on vibrate, and walks back into the store, asking for a refund.

[edit] Seattle Skimboarding

Ehren, Chris and Dave all go skimboarding on the wide puddles around Seattle, occasionally performing stunts. The end of the skit, where a shopping cart is pushed into Ehren, is the only part of this skit that was shown in the actual movie.

[edit] Ceiling Fan

Steve-O uses a trampoline to jump into and smash his ceiling fan, finishing when the fan is broken and yanked out of the ceiling. This stunt is also seen on an episode of MTV Cribs, with the Jackass crew, specifically when in Steve-O's apartment.

[edit] Bullfighting for Dollars

Johnny, Mike Kassak and Chris get into a bullring at Gary LeFew's Bullriding school, and attempt to pull $1 bills off from the horns of a bull (perhaps as an homage to a scene in the movie Stir Crazy).

[edit] Gary's Dog

Gary LeFew's dog shown turning over on his back when commanded to "Show me nuts!"

[edit] Mustard Assault

This skit primarily involves Rake Yohn, who shows extreme disgust to mustard (preferring to do just about anything else if the other option has anything to do with mustard). After trying to convince Brandon and Ryan to spray Rake with mustard, Bam finally agrees to do so. He sneaks up behind Rake and sprays mustard along his hair and shirt. When Rake figures out what happened, he takes his revenge on Bam's car (since Bam ran away after spraying Rake), kicking it before being pulled off by Jeff Tremaine.

[edit] Preston Chases Wee-Man

Dressed as sumo wrestlers, Preston chases Wee-Man down the streets of Japan. Brief segments of this skit were shown in the film.

[edit] Party Boy Rockabilly

Confronting a group of Japanese men dressed in Elvis costumes in a park, Party Boy attempts to join in the fun - only to find out that these 'Elvises' don't like having a man in a thong jump in the middle of their group.

[edit] Poo River Pole Vault

Steve-O attempts to pole vault over a small river filled with excrement and other waste. This is a 'sequel' of sorts, as Steve-O had attempted the same stunt for a segment in the TV show (he makes mention that "I've been in there before"). Segments of this skit were shown in the film.

[edit] Little Red Wagon

Anthony goes down various hills and sits an stands up in his red wagon.

[edit] Bamboo Boo

The guys in Japan drop their pants, expose their backside to the camera, and allow a man dressed as a ninja to smack them along the back with a bamboo, causing red welts. The brief part where Loomis Fall gets smacked with the bamboo is shown in the film during the final credits. If you were to look closely, Steve-O is actually the only one to get hit on his backside. All the others were either on the lower back, right on the kidney area.

[edit] Phil Vs. Alligator

Bam's father, Phil, comes home to find an alligator in his dining room. According to the DVD commentary, the filming of this segment allowed the cameramen to see where the best angles would be for filming Bam's mother April when she came home. A brief segment of this was shown in the film during the final credits.

[edit] Party Boy Rat Tail

Chris Pontius, in full Party Boy gear, is whipped by a towel on his rear while on a stairmaster. When the skit is done, Chris is questioned if he is getting aroused to which he positively responds.

[edit] Sand Vagina

Chris sits next to a large-scale sand sculpture in the shape of a vagina and sings about the sand vagina. The segment ends with Wee-Man, dressed as a penis, running up to the sand vagina and jumping inside.

[edit] Party Boy Crosswalk

Party Boy starts dancing and stripping in the middle of a busy crosswalk in the middle of Japan.

[edit] Party Boy Philosophy

Party Boy philosophises that it doesn't matter if he prefers men or women - "when the beast is hungry, he's going to eat." The camera then pans ominously over to a sleeping Steve-O.

[edit] The Failed Ending

The full ending, as it was originally intended, is shown in this segment. The ending called for an ambitious Rube Goldberg-type contraption, where each member of the Jackass troupe (with the exception of some of the "West Chester" crew, who weren't in Florida for the filming) would either perform a stunt they previously did for the show, or else just something for a sight-gag. The ending, as it was supposed to occur, would have been:

  • Preston as the 'human wrecking ball' (from a segment in the TV show), slamming into a Port-A-Potty.
  • Ehren, in the Port-A-Potty, would slide down to a stack of toilet papers. Ehren would then jump out and trigger a boxing glove to shoot out.
  • The boxing glove would knock into Ryan (the contraption didn't work as intended, and Ryan had to pretend to get hit) and Ryan would fall into a vat of tar and feathers (from a segment in the TV show), then trigger a bowling ball falling down.
  • The bowling ball would trigger a contraption Steve-O was sitting in, causing him to be dunked into a pool of water filled with animal intestines. Steve would then puke into the bucket on the side, triggering a mechanical foot.
  • The mechanical foot would knock into Wee-Man (dressed in his 'hero' costume he wore for a segment in the TV show), who would fall down a Plinko board. When he landed on the bottom, a rocket would be released.
  • The rocket would knock into a target, which would cause Dave - dressed in a penis costume - to skateboard down a ramp, followed by bowling balls, into a vagina at the end of the ramp (one of the bowling balls rolled off the ramp and into Dimitry, who was filming. This 'blooper' was shown in the film during the final credits).
  • Dave would knock into Bam, who was sitting on a ladder dressed in a fat suit. Bam would then jump on a series of trampolines (both the fat suit and the trampolines are from segments of the TV show), knocking over a bullseye before falling into a lake.
  • The bullseye would have a boot attached to it, which would knock Chris, dressed as Party Boy and wearing roller skates, down a slide into a mud pit with some alligators. Chris would dodge the alligators and jump into a net.
  • Chris falling into the net would trigger the final part, where Johnny is catapulted from his seat into the water, next to where Rip Taylor would declare that "this is the end." This part of the 'failed ending' was shown as the end of the film, just before the end credits. The part shown in the film cuts away from this segment just before Rip Taylor takes his wig off and starts fanning himself with it, before addressing the camera once more.

[edit] See also

Main Cast
Johnny Knoxville | Bam Margera | Steve-O | Chris Pontius | Ryan Dunn | Jason "Wee Man" Acuña | Preston Lacy | Dave England | Ehren McGhehey
Supporting Cast
Brandon DiCamillo | Theodore "Rake Yohn" Webb | Chris "Raab Himself" Raab | Phil Margera | April Margera | Jess Margera | Don Vito | Manny Puig
Jeff Tremaine | Spike Jonze | Dimitry Elyashkevich | Rick Kosick | Lance Bangs
Television shows
Jackass | Wildboyz | Viva La Bam | Homewrecker
Jackass: The Movie (stunts) | Jackass Number Two (stunts)
Big Brother | Corona | CKY Crew | CKY Videos | Gnarkill | Radio Bam | Haggard: The Movie
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