Starter (Magic: The Gathering)

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Starter 1999
Expansion symbol
Release date August 27, 1999
Mechanics none
Keywords none
Cycles {{{Cycles}}}
Size 173
Expansion code None
Development codename None
Sets in Starter Block
Starter Starter 2000 7th Edition Starter
Magic: The Gathering
Portal Three Kingdoms Starter Mercadian Masques

Starter is the name of the Magic: The Gathering beginners set which came out on August 27, 1999. The set contains 173 cards. The set became known as Starter 1999 after the release of Starter 2000.


[edit] Set history

After three sets in the Portal Block, Starter was Wizards of the Coast's fourth major attempt at a "Starter Level" set that new players could come into the game and understand.

Most of its cards were reprints of cards already available (many of them from the Portal-sets). But it also contained 26 new cards, created just for the release. Starter cards were available in a fixed-deck game, randomized boosters and 5 preconstructed decks (one for each color).

The starter game came with two decks, two playmats, a step-by-step play guide, and a simplified version of the Magic: The Gathering rule-book. The starter-game contained eight cards which weren't available in the boosters.

Starter ended up caused confusion, because up until the set's release, Tournement decks were known as "Starters".

Starter had a short print run, and has become very difficult to find. It was replaced with Starter 2000 less then a year later.

[edit] Mechanics

No new mechanics were introduced with Starter. It left out elements unnecessary for basic gameplay, such as artifacts, instants, and complicated abilities.

[edit] Guru program

Wizards of the coast attemped to market Starter by providing a guru program to experienced players to help new players start the game, the guru program awarded players with redeemable coupons for booster packs and a special collectable set of "Guru Lands".

[edit] Notable cards

The only card of note that has not appeared anywhere but Starter is Grim Tutor. A slight downgrade from Demonic Tutor, the Grim version is still powerful enough in Vintage that it has become a sought after card. Given the shortage of copies in existence, Grim Tutor currently sells over $100.

Magic: The Gathering sets
Advanced Level Core sets: Alpha, Beta, Unlimited, Revised, 4th Edition, 5th Edition, 6th Edition, 7th Edition, 8th Edition, 9th Edition, 10th Edition
Expert Level Early Sets
Arabian Nights, Antiquities, Legends, The Dark, Fallen Empires, Homelands
Expert Level Block Expansion Sets

Ice Age Block: Ice Age, Alliances, Coldsnap
Mirage Block: Mirage, Visions, Weatherlight
Rath Cycle: Tempest, Stronghold, Exodus
Urza Block: Urza's Saga, Urza's Legacy, Urza's Destiny

Masques Block: Mercadian Masques, Nemesis, Prophecy
Invasion Block: Invasion, Planeshift, Apocalypse
Odyssey Block: Odyssey, Torment, Judgment
Onslaught Block: Onslaught, Legions, Scourge

Mirrodin Block: Mirrodin, Darksteel, Fifth Dawn
Kamigawa Block: Champions of Kamigawa, Betrayers of Kamigawa, Saviors of Kamigawa
Ravnica Block: Ravnica: City of Guilds, Guildpact, Dissension
Time Spiral Block: Time Spiral, Planar Chaos, Future Sight

Un-Sets Starter Level Sets Compilations/reprint/gift box sets
Unglued, Unhinged

Portal, Portal: Second Age, Portal Three Kingdoms, Starter, Starter 2000

Chronicles, Anthologies, Battle Royal, Beatdown, Deckmasters 2001