That Old Gang of Mine (Angel episode)

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Angel episode
"That Old Gang of Mine"

One of the harmless demons who are being hunted down and killed
Episode № Season 3
Episode 3
Guest star(s) Josh Kayne
Khalil Kain
Heidi Marnhout
Writer(s) Tim Minear
Director Fred Keller
Production № 3ADH02
Airdate October 8, 2001
Episode chronology
Previous episode That Vision Thing
Next episode Carpe Noctem

"That Old Gang of Mine" is episode 3 of season 3 in the television show Angel. See List of Angel (series) episodes for a complete list.


[edit] Plot synopsis

[edit] Summary

Harmless demons are being killed all over LA for no apparent reason. Gunn finds out it is his former comrades that have gone over the line and now do it for fun. He will have to convince them that it makes no sense and it's not their mission either. This however, is not going to be easy because he's mainly lost their trust. The gang invades Caritas to kill demons, and find Gunn there. They try to get Gunn and others to kill Angel, and fail. Angel finally beats them, and the main troublemaker is killed by a demon, but Lorne's bar is wrecked.

[edit] Expanded overview

Angel apologizes to Merl for his cruel behavior, but his note card written words take the true feeling out of the apology. He goes as far as to suggest that Merl try to hit him, but since they're in Caritas, that attempt just sends Merl flying back. Frustrated with the vampire, Merl gets a ride home from Gunn and discovers unwanted guests at his place who kill him. The gang later meet at Merl's after Angel discovers the results of the attack. They plan to investigate what they find to be murder, but Gunn is reluctant at first and doesn't want to waste time looking into the murder of a demon. Gunn and Angel get into a heated debate over the topic and Gunn chooses not to help out in this case.

Gunn returns to the hideout of his old gang and is promptly met with hostility. A newcomer, Gio, is particularly not fond of Gunn's working situation and tries to cause trouble. At the hotel, Angel talks Cordelia into attempting communication with Fred to try to open her up a bit. He notices that his name is on a list of Merl's enemies and he's can't believe his friends would think he could do that. Gunn and Rondell talk about the latest with the gang and Gunn questions whether everyone thinks he's turned on them. Rondell isn't judging too fast, but he can't help but notice that Gunn hasn't given them a lot of reason to think he hasn't turned on them.

Angel and Wesley investigate a bookie friend of Merl's only to find the demon murdered similarly to Merl's death. A presumably meek demon walks through the sewers alone, but is attacked and killed, one of his killers being Gio. Gunn shows up at the bookie's apartment in response to Wesley's call for assistance. He doesn't like the idea of investigating demon deaths, thinking the murders aren't all that bad. Wesley explains that the murders are committed without any consideration of the differences between good and bad demons. Gunn pockets the arrow from a crossbow bolt used to kill one of the demons then is off to search for information.

Gunn returns to his former gang and questions Rondell only to find that Gio isn't acting alone in the murders; the whole crew is involved. Back at the hotel, the source of their problems is questioned, as is the missing evidence Gunn took. At Angel's encouragement, Cordelia goes outside to talk to Fred, but has a hard time getting a conversation started. She suggests that the both of them get out on the town and live a little. Gunn returns to the hotel and talks with Angel about the progress of their investigation, then announces he needs to talk to Wesley.

Cordelia has taken Fred to Caritas and Fred sings "Crazy" on stage. Gunn and Wesley are also there and as Fred sings, a demon crossing in front of her is shot dead. Gunn hides the Host behind the bar as those who used to be his friends start randomly killing demons in Caritas. Cordelia hides behind a table while Wesley rushes to the aid of Fred to move her to safety. The gang of shooters starts to leave, but Gio suggests they stay. Gio informs Rondell about all of Gunn's associations with demons creating hostility between the two.

Everyone else figures out that Rondell and the rest of the crew were responsible for all the other murders as well. Gunn stands in the way of the Host getting shot while debating with Rondell over which of them has the more righteous mission. Trying to protect his friends, Gunn offers the keys to his truck and tells them all to leave. Cordelia tries to guide Fred out the door, but she is the only one allowed freedom and that is only until she returns with Angel. Cordelia finds Angel and he directs her to three furies who can lift the "no demon fighting" spell on Caritas.

At the bar, Gio sings a song, unknowingly allowing the Host to read him. Personal information about Gio's activities in Miami are revealed and the Host gets punched for it. All the while, a demon sits repeating, "Oh God" over and over. An escaping demon distracts Gio and he has his weapon stolen by Gunn. The taunting verbal game starts again as Gio accuses Gunn of protecting a baby killer and wanting to be a demon. Gio talks about Gunn's sister leading Gunn to snap and kill the baby-eating demon with a gunshot.

Gunn is given the opportunity to kill Angel and doesn't, but denies that they are friends. Gio makes it clear that no one leaves until Angel is dead and asks for volunteers to do the job. Fred doesn't want to die, so she offers to do it and takes the crossbow from Gio. Cordelia tries to persuade the Furies to lift the spell, but the three are very much obsessed with the dark vampire. Cordelia needs them to rush and finds that there is a debt to be paid for this favor and only Angel is "equipped" to do it.

Finally, the spell is lifted from the bar and Angel can fight. The gang escape to safety while Angel takes care of the fighting. Gio has his head bitten off by the demon that was calling out, "Oh God" and more are killed before the fight is ended. Outside, after talking to Rondell, Gunn comments that Rondell and the crew will likely stick to their own area from now on. Wesley understands the difficulty of Gunn's situation but firmly tells him if he ever jeopardizes their work again, he'll be fired with no chance for forgiveness.

Angel exits the club and Gunn tries to explain he was trying to stall when insulting Angel within the club. Angel knows he spoke the truth but he doesn't mind it. Gunn thinks he has proven his trustworthiness by not killing Angel, but Angel clarifies that he'll prove his trust when he does kill him [Angel] because he has to.

[edit] Writing and acting

[edit] Production details

  • This episode was due to be the second episode of the season, but was switched with "That Vision Thing" to become the third episode.

[edit] Music

[edit] Quotes and trivia

Wikiquote has a collection of quotations related to:

Gunn: No matter what else, I think I proved that you can trust me when I could have killed you and I didn't.

Angel: No. You'll prove that I can trust you when the day comes that you have to kill me - and you do.

[edit] Continuity

[edit] Arc significance

[edit] Timing

  • Stories that take place around the same time in the Buffyverse:
Location, time
(if known)
Buffyverse chronology: Fall 2001 - December 2001
(non-canon = italic)
L.A., 2001 Buffy/Angel novel: Cursed
L.A., 2001 A3.01 Heartthrob
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy UPN promos: Scooby Gang talk about Buffy
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.01 Bargaining, I
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.02 Bargaining, II
L.A., 2001 A3.02 That Vision Thing
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.03 After Life
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Sanctuary
L.A., 2001 A3.03 That Old Gang of Mine
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.04 Flooded
L.A., 2001 A3.04 Carpe Noctem
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy comic: Reunion
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.05 Life Serial
L.A., 2001 A3.05 Fredless
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel Willow & Tara: Wilderness
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy book: Blood and Fog
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.06 All the Way
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Note from the Underground
L.A., 2001 A3.06 Billy
L.A., 2001 Angel anthology book:The Longest Night
Sunnydale, L.A., Monster Island, 2001 Buffy/Angel novel: Monster Island
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Endangered Species
L.A., 2001 Angel book: Impressions
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.07 Once More, with Feeling
L.A., 2001 A3.07 Offspring
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.08 Tabula Rasa
L.A., 2001 A3.08 Quickening
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.09 Smashed
L.A., 2001 A3.09 Lullaby
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.10 Wrecked
L.A., 2001 A3.10 Dad
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.11 Gone
L.A., 2001 A3.11 Birthday
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Creatures of Habit
Sunnydale, 2001 Buffy graphic novel: Death of Buffy: Withdrawal
Sunnydale, 2001 B6.12 Doublemeat Palace
L.A., 2001 A3.12 Provider

[edit] External links

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"Child of Senior Partners" | Shanshu | Sunnydale Syndrome | Tro-Clon