Thai pepper

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Thai Hot peppers
Thai Hot peppers
Thai Ornanmental hot peppers growing wild on Saipan.
Thai Ornanmental hot peppers growing wild on Saipan.

Thai pepper refers to any of three cultivars of chili pepper:

  • The hottest form, which rates a 100,000 on the Scoville pungency scale, has peppers which point downward and go directly from green to red. It is also referred to as Thai Hot, Bird's Eye, Siling Labuyo, and Ladâ.
  • The more decorative but slightly less pungent variety, sometimes known as Thai Ornamental, has peppers which point upward on the plant, and go from green to yellow, orange, and then red. It is the basis for the hybrid Numex twilight, essentially the same but less pungent and starting with purple fruit, creating a rainbow effect.
  • The non-pungent, tapered pepper is larger and hangs down, being only a coincidental homonym because of its country of origin, Thailand.

Heat : Very Hot (SR: 100,000)