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Teradata is a relational database management system initially created by the firm with the same name, founded in 1979. Teradata is part of the NCR Corporation which acquired the Teradata company on February 28, 1991. It is a massively parallel processing system running a shared nothing architecture. The main point with the Teradata DBMS is that it's linearly and predictably scalable in all dimensions of a database system workload (data volume, breadth, number of users, complexity of queries), explaining its popularity for enterprise data warehousing applications. Teradata is offered on Intel servers interconnected by the BYNET messaging fabric. Teradata systems are offered with either Engenio or EMC disk arrays for database storage.

Teradata offers a choice of several operating systems:

Teradata Enterprise Data Warehouses are often accessed via ODBC or JDBC by applications running on operating systems such as Microsoft Windows or flavors of UNIX. The warehouse typically sources data from operational systems via a combination of batch and trickle loads.

The largest and most prominent customer of this DBMS is Wal-Mart, which runs its central inventory and other financial systems on Teradata. Wal-Mart's Teradata Data Warehouse is generally regarded by the DBS industry as being the largest data warehouse in the world. Other Teradata customers include companies like AT&T (formerly SBC), Dell, Continental Airlines, National Australia Bank, Medtronic, FedEx, Vodafone, Gap Inc, Safeway Inc, eBay, Office Depot, Best Buy, Telstra, T-Mobile and Kaiser Permanente.

Teradata's main competitors are other high-end solutions such as Oracle and IBM's DB2 although Teradata prides itself in its demonstrated ability to handle very large data quantities. Recent competition has arisen from CRM specialists such as Unica and Netezza.


[edit] History

The founding "Group of Six" from 1979:

  • Dr. Jack E. Shemer, President and Chairman of the Board.
  • Dr. Philip M. Neches, Vice President and Chief Scientist
  • Walter E. Muir, Vice President of Marketing
  • Jerold R. Modes, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
  • William P. Worth, Vice President of Manufacturing
  • Carroll Reed, Vice President of Research and Development

Teradata's first product was the DBC 1012 Data Base Computer.

[edit] Teradata Utilities

Teradata offers certain utilities that assisst in datawarehousing management and maintenance alongwith the Teradata RDBMS. They are

[edit] Products

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

Topics in database management systems (DBMS)view  talk  edit )

Database | Database model | Relational database | Relational model | Relational algebra | Primary key - Foreign key - Surrogate key - Superkey
Database normalization | Referential integrity | Relational DBMS | Distributed DBMS | ACID

Trigger | View | Table | Cursor | Log | Transaction | Index | Stored procedure | Partition

Topics in SQL
Select | Insert | Update | Merge | Delete | Join | Union | Create | Drop
Comparison of syntax

Implementations of database management systems

Types of implementations
Relational | Flat file | Deductive | Dimensional | Hierarchical | Object oriented | Temporal

Caché | db4o | dBASE | Firebird | Helix database | DB2 | Informix | Ingres | InterBase | Microsoft SQL Server | MySQL | OpenLink Virtuoso | Oracle | PostgreSQL | SQLite | Sybase IQ | Sybase | Teradata | Visual FoxPro | Comparison - relational | Comparison - object-relational

Query language | Query optimizer | Query plan | ODBC | JDBC
List of object-oriented database management systems
List of relational database management systems

In other languages