Tenant Protection Act

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The Tenant Protection Act, 1997 is the law in the province of Ontario, Canada, that governs landlord and tenant relations in residential rental accommodations. It was enacted by the Progressive Conservative government of Mike Harris and proclaimed in June, 1998 to replace the previous "Landlord and Tenant Act". The Tenant Protection Act, 1997 removed the dispute resolution process, including evictions and rent increases, from the Ontario court system and placed it in the hands of the Ontario Rental Housing Tribunal.

The Tenant Protection Act, 1997 has been criticized by many tenant groups, including the Parkdale Tenants Association, as serving the interests of landlords and not providing sufficient protection for tenants. The Tenant Protection Act, 1997 is being repealed and replaced by Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, which received royal assent on June 22, 2006 and is expected to be proclaimed in 2007.

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