Tellermine 43

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The Tellermine 43 (sometimes "Mushroom") was a German circular steel cased anti-tank blast mine used during the Second World War. It is a simplified version of the Tellermine 42, which enabled simpler production techniques. Between March 1943 and the end of the war, over 3.6 million Tellermine 43s were produced by Germany. Copies of the mine were produced by several countries including Denmark (M/47), France (Model 1948) and Yugoslavia (TMM-1). The mine is found in Egypt and Libya.

[edit] Description

The mines casing is circular rising towards the center with a large flat pressure plate. A rectangular metal carrying handle is also fitted to the side of the mine. The pressure plate sits over the fuze well which can hold either a T.Mi.Z.42 sheer pin fuze or T.Mi.Z.43 ball release fuze. At the bottoms of the fuze well is a PETN booster charge, surrounding which is the doughnut shaped main charge of TNT. The mine has secondary fuze wells on the side and base for anti-handling devices, additionally the T.Mi.Z.43 fuze functions as an anti-tampering device, detonating the mine if the pressure plate is lifted. The mine can also be used with a tilt rod fuze fitted to the side fuze well.

[edit] Specifications

  • Height: 102 mm
  • Diameter: 318 mm
  • Weight: 8.l kg
  • Explosive content: 5.5 kg TNT (sometimes Amatol)
  • Trigger weight: 100 to 180 kg

[edit] References

  • Jane's Mines and Mine Clearance 2005-2006