Tel Skuf

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Christian ceremony
Christian ceremony

Tel Skuf (Assyrian: ܬܠ ܝܣܩܘܦܐ - Telassqepa) is located approximately 19 miles north of Mosul. Its population is estimated at 7,000, the vast majority being Assyrian Chaldeans. Tel Skuf used to be famous for making pottery and used to be the main source for providing it to Mosul and its surroundings. Unfortunately, this industry was left to die after Tel Esqof children moved into more modern jobs.

The name Tel Skuf is of Aramiac origin "Telassqepa" meaning the "Standing Hill" in reference to the hill next to it that contains the ruins of an ancient Assyrian town.

Tel Skuf was subject to many attacks by the Mongol barbarians, the worst among them was the massacre of 1436 when they attacked her, killing thousands of its inhabitants and burning its crops and churches forcing the rest of the inhabitants to flee to the mountains. In 1508 Tel Skuf was attacked again by the Mongols, just as they attacked Tel Keppe, Alqosh and the Monastery of Rabban Hirmizd. Tel Skuf was also attacked by the army of Nader Shah in 1743 during his march on Mosul.

Tel Skuf has two churches, Mar Jacob which was built during the 13th century and Mar Gewargis Church, rebuilt in 1955. The most important archeological remains in Tel Skuf are those east of town where Abnerman Monastery used to be. Currently, its location is used as the village's cemetery. Abnerman who built this monastery was a monk who lived during the tenth century. This monastery was rebuilt in 1403 with money from the people of Tel Keppe. In the churches of Tel Skuf are over 26 historical Syriac inscriptions. The oldest among them is dated 1698. Also, in the Museum of Berlin are kept three inscriptions written in Tel Skuf during the 19th century.

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