Tel Sheva

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Tel Sheva
Hebrew תל שבע
Arabic تل السبع
Founded in 1968
Government Local council
District South
Population 11 700 (CBS end of 2004)
Jurisdiction 5 000 dunams (5 km²)

Tel Sheva (Hebrew: תל שבע) is a Bedouin town (local council) in the Southern District of Israel, bordering Be'er Sheva.

According to the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), the population of Tel Sheva was 12,500 in December 2004. Tel Sheva's jurisdiction is 5,000 dunams (5 km²). As of 2000, the town has been ranked lowest (1 out of 10) in socio-economic standing, with an average income of 3,237 shekels to the national average's of 6,835. Only 43% of grade twelve students are eligible to graduate from high school.

Tel Sheva was founded in 1968 as part of a government project to settle Bedouins in permanent settlements and became a local council in 1984.

Flag of Israel
South District
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Israeli Bedouin settlement project of 1979-1982
Ar'ara BaNegev | Hura | Kuseife | Lakiya | Rahat | Shaqib al-Salam | Tel Sheva
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