Technological Genre

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Technology Genre is an Australian expression based on the notion that all technologies present a basic repeatable pattern of essential elements known as the elements of technacy.

The proposition holds that if all technologies display no less than the technacy elements in a specific relationship, then each technology both known and newly developed in the future will also display the same basic minimum pattern of interacting elements.

All technologies tend to present more sophistication than these 4 elements, but no technology presents less than these elements. As such, these basic elements are common and fundamental to all technologies and so technology genré.


[edit] Technacy Elements

  1. Purpose and context (no technology is produced, maintained or used in isolation from a context and so its applied context requires careful consideration in its design, development and lifecycle)
  2. Agent (normally human agent thus often study of Human elements)
  3. Tool (or tool systems whether abstract tools like algorithms or computer applications or physical tools likes hammers or machines)
  4. Material (consumables, data, the thing being shaped, altered by the 'tool' via the knowledge or method of the agent).

[edit] Different Technology Genré

All technologies display 'at least' the above 4 elements in a system, as such we can understand genrés of technology by the substitutes in this system: EG.

Eg Genré A: Textiles Technology

  1. Typical Purposes include apparel and non-apparel use of fabric to function in various set contexts
  2. Typical agent (human) elements include: knowledge or methods of sewing, stitching, pattern development of fabrics
  3. Typical tools include needles, pins, sewing machines of various caliber and specialties
  4. Typical materials include fabrics, weave, thread, fibre

Eg Genré B: Wood Craft Technology

  1. Typical Purposes include 3D physical forms (eg, furniture/sculpture, prototyping) in various set contexts
  2. Typical agent (human) elements include: knowledge or methods of joinery, carving, design and development of timber form
  3. Typical tools include power tools for timber, nails, screws, hammer, machines of various caliber and specialities
  4. Typical materials include timbers if various species

Mixed Genré to explore Innovations

Eg Genré A+B: Textiles and Wood Craft Technology

  1. Typical Purposes include Comfortable Furniture in set contexts of living room
  2. Typical agent (human) elements include: knowledge or methods of sewing, stitching, pattern development of upholstery
  3. Typical tools include textiles and wood tools
  4. Typical materials include fabrics and wood

[edit] Innovation via mixing Genrés of Technology

Technological Genré is a way of communicating the differences between various technologies and offers a way for exploring and experimenting with mixed combinations of genrés to assist innovation processes.

[edit] See also