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Traditional Catholic Reflections and Reports, edited by Stephen Hand (, and otherwise known as, or simply TCR, ( is a traditional Roman Catholic lay project and web journal which has been operating since 1999. Being Traditional, TCR advocates union with the Pope, the successor of Peter, as the only principle of Catholic unity and the living magisterium (Cf. as alone competent, by virtue of Christ's promises to the Apostles, to guide the Church to the end of time. Tradition also accepts the Creed and ancient monuments of the Church "in the same sense and meaning" as has always been believed by the fathers.

Doctrinal, Liturgical Integrity and Social Justice is also a lay project which is dedicated to restoration of the whole Catholic faith, as taught by the living magisterium, which includes genuine liturgical integrity ( within the unity of the Faith.

TCR has long worked for the complete restoration of the Tridentine Mass (, without prejudice to the Roman Missal reform of 1970, as well as a return to the social implications of the Gospel. It rejects the "progressivist" reduction of Social Justice as a substitute for full orthodoxy, rather than as a fruit of that orthodoxy; and also rejects any liturgical piety which is divorced from the social implications of the Gospel.

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