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en-gb-4 This user has a near-native understanding of British English.
en-us-ca-3 This person is awesome at speaking California English.
es-1 Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel básico de español.
This user lives in or is from the State of Colorado.
The Mile High City This user lives in or hails from Denver.
DEN This user is a Denver Broncos fan.
CU This user attends or attended the University of Colorado. Go Buffs!
COL This user is a Colorado Avalanche fan
This user prefers warm weather.
This user is addicted to traveling.
This user enjoys cigars.
This user likes drinking beer.
' This user loves hot women. VERY much.


[edit] Details

[edit] About Me

Hello - my name is Tim. I am 28 years old and live in Denver, Colorado. I am a newer user but have been reading WikiPedia for quite awhile. I love this project and it certainly helps to burn away down time. My main purpose is to read articles of interest and post new data or remove garbage. I also have a penchant for searching out and removing Wiki Vandalism. I pretty much search for it and delete it on the spot...its a great hobby for when you are bored at work. My user article is definitely POV! Please keep this in mind as you read...however, I invite you to click on the article link to make up your own mind.

I work in the leasing business, mainly accounting and technology oriented. I have family in Colorado, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and California. My ethnicity is English, French, German, Norwegian, and Swedish, so you can call me a mutt. Right now, am single but keeping busy.

[edit] Interests

Foreign Policy, History, and Politics are my main interests, and thus are the focus of my preferred articles. When I tire of the above, I just sit back, relax, drink beer and watch sports. I am only human you know. I love to travel as dream is to travel to countries that American's rarely travel. I would love to visit Russia and Iran for example...provided the security situation abates and worldwide contempt for Americans eases.

[edit] Politics

Yup - I gotta cover it. I am a Moderate Republican (not a Bushie, but not a Dem either). My views tend to be slightly right of what I call Realistic Conservatism. It's basically a moderate tone...I can't stand extremists on both side of the aisle.

[edit] Sports

Hockey and Football are my favorites. The Denver Broncos and Colorado Avalanche are representatives of God on Earth, who exist to battle Beelzebub's horde of crap, the Oakland Raiders and Detroit Red Wings. Scotty Bowman and Al Davis are....well, I might as well drop it before I get into trouble.

[edit] Recommended Articles

Here are a list of my favorite articles on WikiPedia...ones that reflect my interests and meet a good standard:

[edit] Locations

Denver, Colorado

Denver International Airport

Los Angeles, California

San Diego, California

Tehran, Iran

Havana, Cuba

[edit] Countries





North Korea

South Korea



Russia and or Soviet Union

United States of America

[edit] People

"People" are mostly world leaders or influential persons. I have divided them into "Good" "Bad", and "Nuts" based on my point of view.

[edit] Good/Neutral

These are responsible for shaping the world we live in in a positive manner, or in an interesting one...

John Adams - 2nd US President.

Willy Brandt - West German Leader and Mayor of W. Berlin

Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister during WWII.

Alexander Dubcek - Founded Prague Spring, Czechoslovakian leader in late 60's.

Vicente Fox - Former Mexican President - first of PAN.

Mikhail Gorbechev - Last General Secretary of CPSU.

Stephen Harper - Current Canadian Prime Minister

Abraham Lincoln - 16th US President.

Yitzhak Rabin - Attempted peace with Palestinians

Pope John Paul II

Ronald Reagan - 40th US President

Ali Sistani

Pierre Trudeau - 15th Canadian Prime Minister

Harry Truman - 33rd US President.

George Washington - First US President.

Ernesto Zedillo - Last Mexican President of the PRI.

[edit] Bad

Some may disagree...but sorry...if you have had your own people MURDERED because they oppose you politically...then you belong on this list.

Yassir Arafat - PLO Terrorist turned statesman.

Leonid Brezhnev - General Secretary of CPSU.

Fidel Castro - Cuban Dictator...god only knows his title now.

Erich Honecker - East German Communist Leader.

Ali Khamenei - Supreme Leader of Iran.

Henry Kissinger - advocated US support for Iranian Shah, Pinochet, and Suharto.

Mohammad Reza Pahlavi - Last Shah of Iran.

Augusto Pinochet - Chilean Dictator

Vladimir Putin - Current Russian President.

Ariel Sharon - Commanded Israeli massacre of Palistinians in Lebanon. Turned Prime Minister...mellowed a bit before a debilitating stroke.

[edit] NUTS

Need I say more? Personality Cults, Secret Police, Outragous Public Statements? These guys hit that one right on the head.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - Iranian nutjob. Would probably relish a shot at Nuclear War.

Nicolae Ceausescu - "Genius" of the Carpathians...had songs written about him...then got shot in the head.

Hugo Chavez - Perpetually thinks the US will invade...tries to pick fights with the USA...???...take a chill pill Hugo. If you let it be you wont be bothered.

Pat Robertson - Advocates assassinations, thinks God talks to him....

Adolf Hitler - Genocidal German Fuhrer. Allegedly, only had one ball.

Saddam Hussein - Still thinks he is Iraqi President...umm....yeah Saddam. Killed MANY people.

Ruhollah Khomeini - self titled Imam, Iranian Supreme Leader. An Islamic Falwell.

Kim Il Sung - Pers. Cult, "Great Leader" of N. Korea

Kim Jong Il - The "Dear Leader" of North Korea

Mao Zedong - Chairman of Chineese Communist Party. Instituted massive personality cult. Killed MILLIONS.

Saparmurat Niyazov - Calls himself "Turkmenbashi", names towns after himself...similar to Ceausescu. NUTS!

Joseph Stalin - WORST GUY EVER. Killed more than Hitler, Mussolini, George W. Bush, Saddam, and Khomeini combined. Rivaled only by Chairman Mao.

[edit] Thought to ponder

***NOTE: I am citing various documentaries and some aspects of various Wikipedia articles on the below subjects. Remember, I reserve the right on my talk page to retain my POV! The purpose of the below discussion is simply to stimulate the reader into investigating the topic on their own, using NPOV sources either to rebut my opinions/findings or to support them. These topics will be changed periodically.

[edit] Introduction

Ever wonder how biased the media is? Some argue it's biased to the left or to the right, but on the whole there is consensus that some form media bias exists. Personally I DO believe that the media is biased to the left. Now you may think "Uh oh, here's another nutjob O'Reilly fan going off on a tangent, get him his medicine" but NO, that's not my line of reasoning. I'm not arguing domestic politics here or about the biased political opinions of a random news anchor. Other than the NY Times or LA Times, most media outlets are far better nowadays about neutral reporting objectivity and not adding a political editorialization into a "neutral" article. Rather, I'm arguing that the media as a whole is more forgiving of the left than of the right. If the left f**ks up or commits an atrocity, it's neatly swept aside or treated neutrally. If the right makes a boo boo, then there is hell to pay.

I am going for the extremes here in my examples because I think that the political extremes clear the line of outright bias. Said another way, it's easier to see a bias when looking at the extremes. It's easy to dismiss the periodic misquote or a less than flattering opinion page as a benign bias or as a blurry distinction or reading into a conclusion. However, when you move to the extremes, the chasm gets quite big.

[edit] Example 1: Che Guevara and Benito Mussolini

First off, let's compare two revolutionaries: Che Guevara and Benito Mussolini. Mussolini was the Fascist Italian Dictator, styled Il Duce. Mussolini was responsible for the fascist gang called the blackshirts. The blackshirts took part in repression, intimidation, violence, and murder to further the party. Mussolini being a right wing fascist is definitely not a guy that should be considered as a good person. He should certainly not be considered a good role model. Oppression, fear, and despotism ruled his world. He is vilified in most media subjects involving him and has an extremely poor reputation among the general populace.

However, Ernesto "Che" Guevara has a relatively neutral reputation among the general populace and is almost fawned on by the media. There are Che t-shirts, Che greeting cards, Che hats, and Che photographs bearing his image. In media presentations or documentaries, Che is often portrayed as a rogue, a freedom fighter, champion of the poor; ultimately a charming revolutionary. You'd almost think he's a guy to look up to. In reality, Che Guevara was a ruthless, cold, calculating political murderer devoted to a violent worldwide Communist revolution. He liked murder so much that simply helping Fidel Castro set up a cruel state police system was not enough. He had to murder with his own hands...taking an active part in executions, guerrilla assaults, and prison torture. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, Che encouraged Fidel and the Soviets to actually FIRE the Soviet Nuclear IRBM missiles on the USA as a preemptive defense. If the missiles were Cuban owned and not Soviet, Che WOULD have fired. The US would have been destroyed in an instant...along with the rest of the world once the US responded. Che was in essence advocating NUCLEAR HOLOCAUST in order to further his Communist ideals.

SO...let me ask you: WHO was worse? WHO was the bigger criminal? And WHY does the media and the left wing elite continue to almost glorify the murderous Che Guevara, while holding the fascist Mussolini to a different standard? THEY ARE BOTH BAD PEOPLE! I'll tell you the answer to the above questions...CHE was worse. CHE was a bigger criminal to humanity...and the media and elite support his glorification because they FORGIVE COMMUNISTS. To the left, Communists are their ultimate allies. Fascists on the other hand, are damned to hell. My opinion: DAMN THEM BOTH! The elite should spend more time condemning ALL murderers!

[edit] Example 2: Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin

What is the most remembered atrocity and war crime of the 20th century? Well, most would say it's the Holocaust...where Adolf Hitler's Nazi SS murdered SIX MILLION innocent jews. It is a horrible, sickening inhuman event that stains the soul of humanity to this day. Its main perpetrator, Adolf Hitler, is considered history's most unsavory piece of filth. Popular culture depicts Hitler and his Nazi apparatus as humanity's worst scum...the very definition of evil. Numerous movies, documentaries, and books exist that chronicle the Nazi scourge. Hitler is synonymous with EVIL, CRUELTY, and stone cold HEARTLESSNESS. He is so despised that a comparison to Hitler is undesirable and insulting for anyone. I certainly agree with history's judgment on Adolf Hitler and his gang of thugs. You cannot kill and enslave on a higher scale th.....wait...hold on....wait a minute! It appears that someone else can take Hitler's black crown of death.

Hitler, in all of his evil malice doesn't even come close to this guy. This guy can claim to QUINTRIPLE the Holocaust death toll. Ah yes...this cruel barbarian is none other than the Soviet Union's own Joseph Stalin. Yes it is Stalin, not Hitler, that is the factual kingpin of killers. Worse yet...his killing wasn't directed at one group or toward one objective. Stalin and his Communist NKDV criminals killed indiscriminately, almost at random. Friends of Stalin would often become enemies of the state overnight. Doing your job exceptionally well meant you were a threat to Stalin...and you had to go. Your FAMILY was to report any hint of subversion. Some people invented "crimes" to further themselves and enrich Stalin. Stalin trusted no one. Many of his closest allies were purged to their deaths. In fact, over 30 MILLION innocent people died as a result of Joseph Stalin's purges. The Great Purges were stopped only twice...once by World War II, and the other by his death. In fact, you may be able to make an argument that the average Soviet citizen might have been SAFER during the war than in peacetime under Stalin, and could certainly make that claim of Stalin's associates. That argument might be a stretch...but its d@mn close to truth. Stalin not only killed...but maintained a state of terror so high that virtually no one dared to act freely. After the war, Stalin initiated another ghastly purge...and this time he picked on the most vulnerable and persecuted group of the time...the Jews. Yes, after Hitler had coldly and systematically massacred over six million innocent people, (the only crime was being born jewish), Stalin comes in to pour salt in this ghastly wound. Fortunately, Stalin died soon after his pogrom began. If he would have lived longer, I wonder if there would be any jews alive in Eastern Europe today? He very well could have completed the crime Hitler started. So...what is Stalin's legacy? Well, frankly it's not good either. He is well known for his excesses, his dictatorship and iron fisted expansion of Soviet communism. He was definitely not considered positive by most everyone...even the left and elite.

So...whats my point you say? Well, as mentioned before, what atrocity is remembered more? More people would flip out and consider themselves horribly insulted if compared to Adolf Hitler. However, compare someone to Stalin and I have the feeing that they wont feel quite as bad as if they were compared to der Fuhrer. How many movies are out about the abuses of Stalin versus the number of films concerning Hitler? How many contemporary books chronicle Stalin's crimes? How many times have you heard someone being compared to Stalin when they are being accused of something? How many times in the paper have you read about how Saddam Hussein was to be next Joseph Stalin? The answer is VERY LITTLE. You will find a lot more comparisons to Hitler. There is more documentation on Hitler, and a ton more media about Hitler's crimes. Saddam Hussein has been compared to Hitler numerous times, not Stalin. George W Bush has even been compared to Hitler. WHERE IS STALIN! The biggest criminal of all time is almost getting a pass! Why? Well...its because the media and the elite FORGIVE COMMUNISTS! The left identifies with them, so they are much more willing to entertain Communism over right wing Fascism.

[edit] Conclusion opinion is that a bias does exist. It exists in the extreme. I'm not going as far as to say the media and elite ADVOCATE communism, or tacitly support it. Nor am I saying the entire media is forgiving these crimes (although some may). Rather my point is that since the media and elite tend towards liberalism and the left (this is a proven fact, most journalists and Hollywood actors are liberals) they are more willing to forgive, forget, or diminish the crimes of their fellow leftists against the comparable crimes committed by the right.