Tautiška giesmė

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"Tautiška giesmė" is the national anthem of Lithuania. The music and lyrics were written in 1898 by Dr. Vincas Kudirka. The song was publicly performed in Vilnius in 1905, and became the official national anthem in 1919.

In 1950, the Soviet authorities replaced it with another anthem of their own devising; its references to Stalin were removed after his death (see Anthem of Lithuanian SSR). During the 1980s, when Lithuania was working towards its independence, "Tautiška giesmė" was sung and performed more frequently, and was reinstated as the national anthem in 1992, when the new Constitution was ratified.

The lyrics of the song are notably free of references to war, weaponry, and bloodshed, unlike the national anthems of the United States, the UK, Germany, Poland, and so forth; instead they urge the Lithuanians to spread enlightenment, truth, and virtue.


[edit] Lyrics to "Tautiška giesmė" in Lithuanian

Lietuva, Tėvyne mūsų,
Tu didvyrių žeme,
Iš praeities Tavo sūnūs
Te stiprybę semia.

Tegul Tavo vaikai eina
Vien takais dorybės,
Tegul dirba Tavo naudai
Ir žmonių gėrybei.

Tegul saulė Lietuvoj
Tamsumas prašalina,
Ir šviesa, ir tiesa
Mūs žingsnius telydi.

Tegul meilė Lietuvos
Dega mūsų širdyse,
Vardan tos Lietuvos
Vienybė težydi!

[edit] Lyrics to "The National Song" in English

[edit] Official translation

Lithuania, our homeland,
Land of worshiped heroes!
Let your sons draw their strength
From our past experience.

Let your children always follow
Only roads of virtue,
May your own, mankind’s well-being
Be the goals they work for.

May the sun above our land
Bannish darkening clouds around
Light and truth all along
Guide our steps forever.

May the love of Lithuania
Brightly burn in our hearts.
For the sake this land
Let unity blossom.

Translated by Birutė Jatautaitė.

[edit] Other translations

[edit] 1

Lithuania, our homeland,
Land of worthy heroes,
May your sons draw strength and vigour
From your past experience.

May your children always proudly
Choose the paths of virtue,
May your good and gains of people
Be the goals they work for.

May the sun over this land
Scatter all the gloom and dark,
Truth and light, shining bright,
Guide our steps forever.

May our love for our native land
Keep on burning in our hearts,
For the sake of this land
We shall stand together.

Translated by Lionginas Pažūsis

[edit] 2

Lithuania, land of heroes,
Thou our Fatherland that art,
From the glorious deeds of ages
Shall Thy children take heart.

May Thy children ever follow
Their heroic fathers
In devotion to their country
And good will to others.

May the sun of our loved shore
Shine upon us evermore;
May the right and the truth
Keep our pathway lighted.

May the love of our dear land
Make us strong of heart and hand,
May our land ever stand
Peaceful and united.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links