Tapestry (programming)

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Apache Tapestry
Apache Tapestry Logo
Developer: Apache Software Foundation
Latest release: 4.0.2 / April 13, 2006
OS: Cross-platform
Use: Web Framework
License: Apache 2.0 licence
Website: [1]

Tapestry is a Java-based programming toolkit that uses XML to implement applications in accordance with the model-view-controller design pattern. With an emphasis on simplicity and ease of use, Tapestry aims to avoid forcing programmers to create enormous blocks of "glue code". By having strong binding between the elements on the web page itself and the underlying code, the construction of applications is a lot more straightforward. Its component-based architecture borrows many ideas from WebObjects.

Templates in Tapestry are mainly HTML documents, with elements to be replaced with the results of Javascript code being normal HTML elements with a special attribute that identifies it as a Tapestry template element. An XML file defines the mapping between the marked HTML elements, and the Java components they correspond to. This is markedly different from the typical mechanism used by PHP, ASP, and JSP, which use special tags to enclose template variables and code.

Created by Howard Lewis Ship, the Tapestry project has been moved into the Apache Software Foundation.

[edit] External links

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