Taiko bibliography

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This bibliography of Taiko sources is intended to aid in taiko research, including a complete list of English-language printed sources on taiko as well as a selection of Japanese-language and web-based sources.

2001 Nea National Heritage Fellowships: Seiichi Tanaka. National Endowment for the Arts, June 11 2001. Accessed March 4 2006. Online. Available from http://www.nea.gov/honors/heritage/Heritage01/Tanaka.html.

Asai, Susan Miyo. "Hōraku: A Buddhist Tradition of Performing Arts and the Development of Taiko Drumming in the United States." Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology 4 (1985): 163-172.

________. "Transformations of Tradition: Three Generations of Japanese American Music Making." The Musical Quarterly 79, no. 3 (1995): 429-453. Asian Drums/Kiyoshi Yoshida. Pacific Moon Records, July 2 2004. Accessed 2005 Sep. 11. Online. Available from http://www.pacificmoon.com/html/drums.html.

Bando, Makoto. Hajimete No Wadaiko Ensō [First Japanese Taiko Performance]. Tokyo: Erukurabu, 2003.

Barakan, P. "Discussion: A Woman Playing Japanese Drums." In Wadaiko, 124-135: Kawade Shobō Shinsha, 1995.

Bender, Shawn Morgan. "Of Roots and Race: Discourses of Body and Place in Japanese Taiko Drumming." Social Science Japan 8, no. 2 (2005): 197-212.

Bender, Shawn Morgan. "Drumming between Tradition and Modernity: Taiko and Neo- Folk Performance in Contemporary Japan." Unpublished dissertation, University of California San Diego, 2003.

Big Drum. May 27 2006. Accessed April 24 2006. Online. Available from http://www.janm.org/exhibits/bigdrum/.

Brennan, Michael. Mainstream Movies with Featured Taiko Performances. Dec. 11 2004. Accessed March 19 2006. Online. Available from http://studorgs.bowdoin.edu/taiko/whatistaiko.htm.

Chatenever, R. "A Different Drummer." Maui Scene (1993).

Chun, Ian. Gocoo: Reinventing Taiko. Metropolis, May 17 2006. Accessed May 17 2006. Online. Available from http://metropolis.japantoday.com/tokyo/484/music_beat.asp.

Combs, Jo Anne. "Japanese-American Music and Dance in Los Angeles, 1930-1942." Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology 6, no. Asian Music in North America (1985): 121-149.

Copywrites. Taiko.us, July 6 2005. Accessed April 21 2006. Online. Available from http://www.taiko.us/copyright.htm.

Coutts-Smith, Mark. Children of the Drum: The Life of Japan’s Kodo Drummers. Hong Kong: Lightworks Press, 1997.

Deschênes, Bruno. Japanese Taiko Drums. Dec. 4 2004. Accessed April 9 2006. Online. Available from http://pages.infinit.net/musis/matsu_take_eng/2_AMG_Taiko.html.

Doyle, M. "The Beat Goes On." MidWeek (1996): A6-A9.

Endo, Kenny. "Kenny Endo Taiko Ensemble." 18-23: University of Maryland: Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center, 2005-2006.

Espiritu, Yen Le. Asian American Panethnicity: Bridging Institutions and Identities. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1992.

Fromartz, Samuel, and Lauren Greenfield. "Anything but Quiet: Japanese Americans Reinvent Taiko Drumming." Natural History 107, no. 2 (1998): 44-50.

Fujie, Linda. "Effects of Urbanization on Matsuri-Bayashi in Tokyo." Yearbook for Traditional Music 15, no. East Asian Musics (1983): 38-44.

________. "Japanese Taiko Drumming in International Performance: Converging Musiocal Ideas in the Search for Success on Stage." World of Music 43, no. 2-3 (2001): 93-101.

Fujimoto, Harumi. "My Original Image of Drums." In Wadaiko: Miyuki Ikeda + Koichi Inakoshi, ed. Ikanoshi Koichi. Tokyo: Kawad Shobo Shinsha, 1995.

Gojinjo Daiko: The History, the Tradition, the Spectacle. May 15 2003. Accessed March 4 2006. Online. Available from http://www.wajima-city.or.jp/english/essay15/gojinjo.htm.

Gould, Michael. "Taiko Classification and Manufacturing." Percussive Notes (1998): 12-20.

Grand Master Seiichi Tanaka. San Francisco Taiko Dojo, Nov. 28 2005. Accessed March 3 2006. Online. Available from http://sftaiko.com/about_tanaka.html.

Green, M. "Voices of the Drum." Sky (1993): 32-36.

Hare, Thomas Blenman. "Try Try Again: Training in Noh Drama." In Teaching and Learning in Japan, ed. Thomas P. Rohlen and Gerald K. LeTendre. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

Harich-Schneider, Eta. A History of Japanese Music. London: Oxford University Press, 1973.

Hayase, S. "Taiko." East Wind (1985): 46-47.

Hayashi, Eitetsu. Ashita No Taiko Uchi E [To Tomorrow's Taiko Players]. Japan: Shobunsha, 1992.

________. Portrait of Hayashi Eitetsu. Tokyo: Eitetsu Taiko no Kai, 1998.

Higa, K. "Sound and Spirit: An Interview with Master Seiichi Tanaka." Nikkei Taiko Dayori (193): 6-7, 10-12.

Hirabayashi, Roy. "15th Anniversary Celebration - "Spirit of the Drum"." Odaiko, San Jose Taiko Newsletter (1988): 1-4.

Hiroji, Naoe. "Post-War Folklore Research Work in Japan." Folklore Studies 8 (1949): 277-284.

History of Osuwa Daiko. May 5 2006. Accessed Feb. 6 2006. Online. Available from http://www.geocities.jp/fuurinkazan_tenko/osuwa.htm.

History of San Francisco Taiko Dojo. Nov. 28 2005. Accessed March 4 2006. Available from http://sftaiko.com/about_history.html.

The History of Taiko: The Heartbeat of Japan. Dec. 21 2005. Accessed Feb. 5 2006. Online. Available from http://www.taiko-center.co.jp/english/history_of_taiko.html.

Hobsbawm, E. J., and T. O. Ranger. The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Holender, Jacques. Kodo: Heartbeat Drummers of Japan. New York: Rhapsody Films, INC, 1991.

Holvick, Leonard C., and Jackson H. Bailey. Japanese Music: Another Tradition, Other Sounds: Earlham College Press, January 1990.

Image Entertainment (Firm), and Kodō (Musical group). Kodō. 1 videodisc (69 min.). Chatsworth, CA: Image Entertainment, 2001.

Inoue, Ryohei. Ondekoza, Amerika Wo Hashiru [Ondekoza, Run Through America Diary of a 15,000km trip]. Tokyo: Seikyūsha, 1996.

________. Taiko No Bīto Ni Miserarete [Enchanted by the Taiko Beat]. Tokyo: Ongaku Shuppansha, 1999.

Inoue, T. "Taiko Time." MetroGuide (1994): 33-34.

Izumi, Masumi. A Brief History of Taiko. Discover Nikkei, Jan. 10 1997. Accessed Feb. 19 2006. Online. Available from http://www.discovernikkei.org/wiki/index.php/Taiko_History.

________. "Reconsidering Ethnic Culture and Community: A Case Study on Japanese Canadian Taiko Drumming." Journal of Asian American Studies 4, no. 2 (2001): 35-36.

James, J. Alison. The Drums of Noto Hanto: DK Publishing, Inc, 1999.

Japanese American National Museum to Open Exhibition July 14. Big Drum: Taiko in the United States, May 17 Accessed May 17 2006. Online. Available from http://www.janm.org/exhibits/bigdrum/press.php.

Kagemusha, Taiko. "Taiko around the World." 2004.

Kageyama, Y. "Following the Drumbeat." The Japan Times Weekly (1986): 16.

Kan, Toko. Textbook for Japanese Taiko Basic Theory and Practice. Matto: Asano Taiko.

Keene, Donald, and Motoichi Izawa. Some Japanese Portraits. New York: Kodansha International, 1978.

Kenny Endo: Connecting to Heritage through Music. Big Drum, May 5 2006. Accessed March 5 2006. Online. Available from http://www.janm.org/exhibits/bigdrum/interviews/endo.php.

Kōno, Yuki. Yasashiku Manaberu Wadaiko KyōHon [Easy Learning Taiko Instruction Book]. Tokyo: Sekibunsha.

Kobayashi, Tamai. "Heartbeat in the Diaspora: Taiko and Community." Fuse 12, no. 5/6 (1994): 24-26.

Kodani, M. "Making a Taiko." Horaku (1979).

________. "Taiko." Horaku (1979).

"Kodo Close-Up: Michiko Chiba, Staff." The Kodō Beat, Autumn 2004 2004, 3.

Kodo Cultural Foundation Apprenticeship Programme. Kodō, May 5 2006. Accessed March 15 2006. Online. Available from http://www.kodo.or.jp/kcf/kcfapprentice.html.

Kojima, H. oshi, and Helen Craig McCullough. The Taiheiki: A Chronicle of Medieval Japan. New York: Columbia University Press, 1959.

Komatsu, Shigemi. Zenkunen Kassen Ekotoba. Heiji Monogatari Emaki. Yūki Kassen Ekotoba Zoku Nihon No Emaki; 17. Tōkyō: Chūo Kōronsha, 1992.

Konagaya, Hideyo. "Taiko as Performance: Creating Japanese American Traditions." The Japanese Journal of American Studies 12 (2001): 105-123.

Länsisalmi, Riikka. "Crafting Traditions: Expressions of "Japaneseness" in Modern Taiko Drumming", E-mail to Daniel Bensen, 10/27/2005 2004.

Leong, David. Taiko Overview and History. 12/11/2004 Accessed. Available from http://www.taiko.com/resource/history.html.

________. "Hokubei No Taiko Sangyou." [The Taiko Industry in America]. Taikology, no. 14 (1998): 58-61.

Liu, Terry. Seiichi Tanaka: Go for Broke. National Endowment for the Arts, June 11 2005. Accessed March 4 2006. Online. Available from http://www.nea.gov/honors/heritage/Heritage01/Tanaka2.html.

Lockett, Peter. "Eastern Invasion." Rhythm Magazine (1997): 70-72.

Mallin, Lorne. "Wood and Skin: The Making of Taiko Drums." Intersect (1993): 26-29.

Malm, William P. Japanese Music and Musical Instruments. Rutland, Vt.: C. E. Tuttle Co., 1959.

________. "An Introduction to Taiko Drum Music in the Japanese No Drama." Ethnomusicology 4, no. 2 (1960): 75-78.

________. Nagauta: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1973.

________. Music Cultures of the Pacific, the near East, and Asia: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1977.

________. Six Hidden Views of Japanese Music. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.

________. Traditional Japanese Music and Musical Instruments. 354 p. Tokyo; New York: Kodansha International, 2000.

Markus, Peter. Taiko Do: Der Trommelweg (the Way of the Taiko). [Taiko Do: The Way of the Drum]. Ergerda: Arun, 1996.

Marra, Michael F. Representations of Power: The Literary Politics of Medieval Japan. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1993.

Martin, Douglas. "Banging the Drums Not So Slowly: In Soh Daiko, Japanese Drumming Calls to the Ancient Gods and Leaves the Drummers Breathless." New York Times, 10/22/1995 1995.

McCargo, Duncan. Contemporary Japan. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Mogi, Hitoshi. Nyūmon Nihon No Taiko: Minzoku Dentō Soshite Nyūwēbu [A Manuel of Japanese Drums: Folklore, Tradition, and the New Wave]. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 2003.

Morechard, Francoise. "Emotions That Japanese Have Forgotten." In Wadaiko: Miyuki Ikeda + Koichi Inakoshi, ed. Ikanoshi Koichi. Tokyo: Kawada Shobo Shinsha, 1995.

Morinaga, Maki Isaka. Secrecy in Japanese Arts: "Secret Transmission" as a Mode of Knowledge. 1st ed. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005.

Morita, Toshiro. Za Taiko: Morita Toshiro Shashin Shu [The Taiko: The Photos of Toshiro Morita]. Tokyo: Ōtsuki Shoten, 1989.

Muromoto, W. "Thunder in Wahiawa." The Hawaii Herald, 21 Februrary 1986, 10-11.

Nakamura, Hajime, and Hajime Nakamura. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan. London; New York New York: Kegan Paul International; Distributed by Columbia University Press, 1997.

Nakamura, Yasuo. Noh: The Classical Theater. [1st] ed. Performing Arts of Japan, 4. New York: Walker/Weatherhill, 1971.

Navarro, Mireya. "Young Japanese Americans Honor Ethnic Roots." New York Times National 2004, 15.

"Nihon No Taiko No Bunrui Kaisetsu." [A Cultural Analysis of Japanese Drums]. Minzoku Geino, no. 11 (1990).

O'Mahoney, Terry. "Kodo: Japanese Taiko Masters." Percussive Notes: PAS 36, no. 1 (1998): 6-10.

O’Neill, Patrick Geoffrey. Early Noh Drama: Its Background, Character and Development, 1300-1400. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1974.

Ochi, Megumi. What the Haniwa Have to Say About Taiko's Roots: The History of Taiko. April 27 2006 2006. Accessed August 20 2006. Available from http://www.taiko.com/taiko_resource/history/haniwa_ochi.html.

Oedo Sukeroku Taiko Official Homepage. Jan 27 2006. Accessed Feb. 5 2006. Online. Available from http://www.oedosukerokutaiko.com/english-1.html.

Oguchi, Daihachi. "Tenko: Osuwa Taiko." (1980).

________. Tenko: Oguchi Daihachi No Nihon Taikoron [Heaven-Drums: Oguchi Daihachi’s Theory of Japanese Drums]. Nagano, Japan: Ginga Shobo, 1987.

________. Nihon No Taiko. Nagano: Osuwa Gakuen, 1994.

Okihiro, G. ""Drumatic" Excitement." Silhouette (1988): 7-8.

Ondekoza (Musical group). The Ondekoza. 1 sound disc. Los Angeles, CA: Jvc, 1997.

Ong, E. "An Ancient Big Bang Theory." The Stanford Daily: Intermission (1994).

Pelzel, John C. "Japanese Ethnological and Sociological Research." American Anthropologist 50, no. 1 (1948): 54-72.

Philippi, Donald L. Kojiki. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1969.

Piggott, Sir Francis. "The Music and Musical Instruments of Japan."

Polt, E. "Making Taiko Drums in the Us." In MS, Senior Colloquiam. UCLA, 1992.

Powell, Kimberly. "The Apprenticeship of Embodied Knowledge in a Taiko Drumming Ensemble." In Knowing Bodies, Moving Minds, ed. Liora Bresler, 183-195. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.

Profile. Za Ondekoza, May 5 2006. Accessed March 7 2006. Online. Available from http://www.ondekoza.com/en/profile.shtml.

Ruth, Chelsey, and Philip Tanedo. "Yonsei Taiko." Stanford University, 2004.

Sano, Steve, and Linda Uyechi. "Music 17q Perspectives in North American Taiko Course Syllabus." University of California Stanford, 2004.

Santoki, M. "The Ambassador of Taiko." The Hawaii Herald, 16 February 1996, A5-A6.

Satō, Fumio. Shi to Minyo to Wadaiko To [Poems and Folk Songs and Japanese Taiko]. Tokyo: Tsukuba Shobo, 2001.

Schnell, Scott. The Rousing Drum: Ritual Practice in a Japanese Community. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1999.

Schulze, M. "Taiko Group Founder Enjoying Country Life." Hokubei mainichi, 27 July 1991.

Seiichi Tanaka. Discover Nikkei, May 5 2006. Accessed Feb 27 2006. Online. Available from http://www.discovernikkei.org/en/people/profile.php?profile=Tanaka%2CSeiichi.

Shively, Donald H. "Bakufu Versus Kabuki Studies in the Institutional History of Early Modern Japan." In Studies in the Institutional History of Early Modern Japan, ed. John Whitney Hall and Marius B. Jansen, x, 396. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1968.

Shively, Donald H. Tradition and Modernization in Japanese Culture. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1971.

"Short Take: A Different Drum." Stanford Magazine, March/April 2006 2006, 71.

Snodgrass, Judith. Presenting Japanese Buddhism to the West: Orientalism, Occidentalism, and the Columbian Exposition. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2003.

Suravech, Glen. "Bang the Drum!" Rafu Shimpo, 26 March 1992.

"Taiko." In Nihon Kokugo Daijiten. Tokyo: Sōgakukan, 2001.

Taiko Database. Discover Nikkei, March 17 2006. Accessed March 17 2006. Online. Available from http://www.discovernikkei.org/en/resources/taiko/taikoGroups.php?&from=70.

Taiko Drums from a Small Planet. 2006. Accessed May 3 2006. Available from http://www.mninter.net/~thomasjp/taiko.html.

Taiko No Sato Asano. [Village of Drums: Asano]. Asano, Feb. 8 2004. Accessed Jan. 12 2006. Online. Available from www.asano.jp.

Taiko ShūDan Amanojaku Profīru. [Taiko Group Amanjojaku Profile]. Jan 13 2004. Accessed March 13 2006. Online. Available from http://www.pat.hi-ho.ne.jp/amanojaku/.

Taiko: Myth and History. Shumei Taiko, Sep. 10 2002. Accessed May 3 2006. Online. Available from http://www.shumeitaiko.org/history.html.

Takata, Takeshi. "The Thundering World of Taiko." Look Japan, 1/1998 1998, 30-33.

Takemoto, Arthur. Buddhist Taiko. Hou-u: Dharma Rain, July 8 2004. Accessed May 9 2006. Online. Available from http://www.vbtemple.org/dharmarain/dr12_tai.htm.

Terada, Yoshitaka. "Shifting Identities in Taiko Music." In Transcending Boundaries: Asian Musics in North America, ed. Yoshitaka Terada, 22, 37-59. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology, 2001.

Thalheimer, Andrew. "Jazzing up Tradition." In Japan Notes: Japan America Society of St. Louis, 8, 2-4, 2003.

Thompson, Woody. "Two Custom Drum Makers: William Kooienga and Paul Namkung." Percussive Notes, PAS (1998): 6-10.

Thornbury, Barbara E. "From Festival Setting to Center Stage: Preserving Japan’s Folk Performing Arts." Asian Theatre Journal 10, no. 2 (1993): 163-178.

________. "The Cultural Properties Protection Law and Japan’s Folk Performing Arts." Asian Folklore Studies 53, no. 2 (1994): 211-225.

Tong, C. "Taiko!" Bridge: An Asian American Perspectivw (1979): 43-47.

Tonomura, Hitomi. Community and Commerce in Late Medieval Japan: The Corporate Villages of Tokuchin-Ho. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1992.

Turnbull, Stephen R. The Samurai Sourcebook. London: Cassell & Co, 2000.

Tusler, Mark. "The Los Angeles Matsuri Taiko: Performance Aesthetics, Teaching Methods, and Compositional Techniques." University of California, Santa Barbara, 1995.

________. "Sights and Sounds of Power: Ensemble Taiko Drumming (Kumi Daiko) Pedagogy in California and the Conceptualization of Power." Unpublished Dissertation, University of California Santa Barbara, 2003.

Ulrich, A. "Pounding Ecstasy." San Francisco Focus (1993): 67-68.

Uyechi, Linda. "University Taiko: Roots and Evolution." In Symposium on North American Taiko, Stanford Taiko Invitational. Stanford, CA.

Varian, Heidi. The Way of Taiko. Berkeley, Calif.: Stone Bridge Press, 2005.

Wadaiko Ga Wakaru Hon. [Understanding Taiko], ed. Asano Taiko Co.: Asano Taiko, 1995.

Wadaiko Nyūmon. [Introduction to Taiko], ed. Taiko Center. Kyoto: Taiko Center, 1992.

"What Is Taiko." The Kodō Beat, Winter 2001, 1-2.

Whiteside, Wendy. "The Beat Goes On." Student Paper, Washington University of St. Luis, 2001.

Wong, Deborah Anne. Speak It Louder: Asian Americans Making Music. New York: Routledge, 2004.

Yamamoto, Hiroko. Nihon No Taiko, Ajia No Taiko [Japanese Drums, Asian Drums]. Tokyo: Seikyusha, 2002.

Yamazaki, Kiyonori. Wadaiko Ongaku Ni Mieru Nihon No Rizumu: Ma, Omote Ma, Ura Ma [Japan’s Rhythm as Seen in Japanese Taiko Music: Space, Fore-Space, Back-Space]. Tokyo: Nihon Zusho Kankoukai, 2003.

Yano, Christine R. "The Reintegration of Japanese Bon Dance in Hawaii after World War II." Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology 6, no. Asian Music in North America (1985): 151-162.

Yoon, Paul Jong-Chul. ""She's Really Become Japanese Now!" Taiko Drumming and Asian American Identifications." American Music 19, no. 4 Asian American Music (2001): 417-438.

Yuuki, Emi. Ondekoza's Run across the U.S.A.- My Youthful Days, America 15,000km. Tokyo: Popurasha, 1995.

(Zai) Nippon Taiko Renmei. [Nippon Taiko Foundation]. March 27 2006. Accessed March 9 2006. Online. Available from http://www.nippon-taiko.or.jp/index.html.