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Tagsonomy is a neologism coined to describe the user-created taxonomical systems of websites such as YouTube and Flickr. This system uses tags created by the producers of content. For example, a video of a man playing an electric guitar might use the tags "guitar," "electric," "rock," "music," and "blues." When a visitor to the site searches for any one of these terms, the video would come up as a hit in the search.

Tagsonomical systems differ from traditional taxonomy in that they are not based on a predetermined vocabulary, but are based on a shifting system of names and concepts which evolve over time as users generate more content.

[edit] References

Cameron, Marlow, et al. "Ht06, Tagging Paper, Taxonomy, Flickr, Academic Article, to Read." Proceedings of the seventeenth conference on Hypertext and hypermedia. Odense, Denmark: ACM Press, 2006. 31-40.