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Tadeshi Umezawa is a character from the first and only Icelandic anime, Dark-Cooperation (2003-2005). It's creators Baldur Blöndal (Director, art director, animation technician and script writer) and Andri Már Hagalín (Co-director and co scriptwriter) were at the given time, students at the school of Hvassaleiti and they were both fifteen years old at the time. At 19 May 2003, they entered the movie into the elementary animation competition and won first price. Later on the movie appeared in television at the television channel Screen One (Skjár einn). It's showtime was 22 February and 25 February 2005.
Tadeshi Umezawa is a scientist, he works on finding a way to isolate the chemical in animals that makes them psychic and increases their brainpower. After some time he succeeds and tests it on himself, only to find out, that not only does he increase his own power, but also the power of Zatsuyou Jibun who is his scitzo. Jibun and he fight over the controle over his Tadeshi's brain, but eventually Jibun is victorious.
Tadeshi Umezawa's last name comes from Baldur and Andri's Japanese teacher at the icelandic university (háskóli íslands); Kaoru Umezawa. [1]