Tackle (football move)

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Most forms of football have a move known as a tackle. In most cases this move is one that prevents an opposing player from carrying out what they intend.

The word is used in some contact sports to describe the act of physically holding or wrestling a player to the ground. In other sports, it simply describes one or more methods of contesting for possession of the ball.


[edit] Name orgin

In Middle Dutch, the verb tacken meant to grab or to handle. By the 1300s, this had inspired a new use in sailing, referring to rigging, equipment, or gear used on ships. By the 1700s, a similar use was applied to harnesses or equipment used with horses. Modern use in football comes from the earlier sport of rugby, where the word was used in the 1800s.

[edit] American and Canadian football

In American and Canadian football, to tackle is to physically interfere with the forward progress of a player in possession of the ball, such that his forward progress ceases and is not resumed, or such that he is caused to touch some part of his body to the ground other than his feet or hands, or such that he is forced to go out of bounds. In any such case, the ball becomes dead, the down is over, and play ceases until the beginning of the next play. A tackle is known as a quarterback sack when the quarterback is tackled behind the line of scrimmage.

Tackle is also the name of player positions on both the offensive and defensive teams. Usually there is a left and right tackle on each team.

[edit] Australian rules football

A Samurai player is dispossessed of the ball in strong tackle by a Vietnamese opponent.
A Samurai player is dispossessed of the ball in strong tackle by a Vietnamese opponent.

Tackling is a key part of Aussie Rules and part of its spectator appeal.

The variety of different ways to contest possession in Aussie Rules has led to first time observers of the game regarding it as having "no rules" or as some Australian's unfamiliar with the game colloquially term it "Rafferty's Rules". Despite these stereotypes, however, there are actually quite strict rules.

In Australian rules football, the move commonly described as a "tackle" is similar to in rugby and involves wrapping, holding or wrestling a player who has possession of the ball to the ground.

Tackling in Australian Rules is unique in that if tackled player does not dispose of the ball having had opportunity to do so (called the holding the ball rule), or concedes a penalty in the tackle (i.e. tries to throw the ball when he was only allowed to "handball" or kick it) the tackler is rewarded with a free kick. This is only paid if the player tackling does not either deliberately or unintentionally hold the ball to their opponents body. A gang tackle is when the player in possession is tackled by more than one opponent at the same time.

A tackle must make contact below the shoulders and above the knees. A player is able to be thrown (with the exception of a dangerous throw or spear tackle) or slung to the ground in a tackle. There are also rules outlawing pushing in the back making tackling more difficult.

Players wear little to no padding to cushion the impact of tackles, however mouthguards are essential for keeping your teeth. As there is no offside rule in Aussie Rules, tackling is more often when chasing a player down rather than frequent on head on contact.

[edit] Other tackling methods

Although the term "tackle" is used in Australian Rules to exclusively describe wrapping, holding or wrestling a player in possession, there are also several other ways of contesting possession in Australian rules that other sports would describe as a "tackle" and that also involve a degree of contact.

The bump or hip and shoulder is a legal aussie rules tactic for both dispossession of the player with the ball and also impeding players involved in a contest but not in possession of the ball. The difference between a bump and a tackle is that arms are not used in a bump, which must be made side-on using the hip and or shoulder. Not all bumping is legal, however. Agressive head on bumping or "charging" of a player with the ball is often described as "rough play" and is a reportable offence, this is particularly so if a player is deemed to have their head down over the ball in an attempt to picking it up off the ground when the bump is applied or contact is made above the shoulders. Standing ground against an oncoming player, however, is legal.

Other defensive actions are generally categorised as one percenters. Colliding with other players whilst trying to catch or mark the ball is part of the game, however tackling a player jumping in the air to catch a ball is strictly not allowed. Bumping a player who is jumping to catch the ball is not allowed unless the player is deemed to have intentions to contest for possession or have "eyes for the ball". The defensive tactic of spoiling punching away from a player is allowed. Smothering, which involves using the arms or body to get in the way of an opponent's kick as it leaves their boot, and is similar to a charge down in rugby football.

[edit] Gaelic football

Gaelic football defines tackling as wresting the ball from an opponents hands. Bumping is allowed on the player with the ball, but a player cannot be grabbed.

[edit] International rules football

International rules football is a hybrid game between Australian rules football and Gaelic Football. Tackling in International Rules is subject to similar rules as Australian rules football, but with some subtle differences. Tackling is only allowed as low as the waist, whereas it is allowed down to the knees in Aussie Rules.

[edit] Rugby football

In rugby league a tackle is completed when a player's ball-carrying arm touches the ground at the same time as an opponent has some contact with his body, or when one or more opponents hold a player on his feet so that his momentum (in any direction) ceases, or simply if the referee calls held. If necessary, the tackled player is then allowed to his feet; play continues by means of a play-the-ball.

In rugby union, the tackle is similar: the tackled player must release the ball, but the ball is not dead and a ruck forms to contest possession of it. Also, players cannot be tackled standing up: they must either be brought to the ground or a maul forms.

[edit] Soccer

A tackle in Association football

In soccer, a player tackles an opponent by taking control of the ball from them. This is achieved by using either leg to wrest possession from the opponent, or sliding in to knock the ball away. The target of the tackle must always be the ball, otherwise it may be deemed as illegal by the referee, especially if the player makes contact with his opponent before the ball, or makes unfair contact with the player after playing the ball. Tackling with both legs, or from behind is also illegal. If a tackle is deemed legal then play continues.

[edit] Other Uses

Other non-football games that feature tackling or similar concepts include British Bulldogs and Hurling, while Hockey and Shinty feature similar bumping or shoulder barging moves. There is also a game based entirely on tackling, and nothing else, known as Tackleball.

[edit] Types

  • spear tackle (dangerous throw) - (illegal in rugby league, rugby union & Australian rules)
  • sliding tackle - football (soccer)
  • high tackle (illegal head high tackle) - rugby league & Australian rules (see also coathanger)
  • ankle tap - rugby union (illegal in Australian rules)
  • diving tackle - Australian rules, Rugby League and Rugby union
  • bump - Australian rules
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