Table of keyboard shortcuts

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[edit] Modifier key abbrevations used in this page

Modifier Abbrevation
Control key Ctrl-
Alt key Alt-
Command key Cmd-
Shift key Shift-
Windows key Win-

[edit] Desktop shortcuts

Below is a list of common keyboard shortcuts that are used in modern desktop environments: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, KDE and GNOME. These are shortcuts used to interact with the desktop environment, and shortcuts commonly used in desktop applications. The Cmd key listed below for Mac OS systems is the  key.

Action Windows XP/Windows Vista Mac OS KDE GNOME
File menu Alt-F Alt-F Alt-F
Quit the application varies [1] Cmd-Q Ctrl-Q Ctrl-Q
Create a new document Ctrl-N Cmd-N Ctrl-N Ctrl-N
Open a document Ctrl-O Cmd-O Ctrl-O Ctrl-O
Save the current document Ctrl-S Cmd-S Ctrl-S Ctrl-S
Print the current document Ctrl-P Cmd-P Ctrl-P Ctrl-P
Close the current document varies [1] Cmd-W Ctrl-W Ctrl-W
Edit menu Alt-E Alt-E Alt-E
Undo the last operation Ctrl-Z Cmd-Z Ctrl-Z Ctrl-Z
Redo the last operation Ctrl-Y Cmd-Shift-Z Shift-Ctrl-Z Shift-Ctrl-Z
Cut the selected area and store it in the clipboard Ctrl-X, or Shift-Del Cmd-X Ctrl-X Ctrl-X
Copy the selected area into the clipboard Ctrl-C, or Ctrl-Ins Cmd-C Ctrl-C Ctrl-C
Paste contents of clipboard at cursor Ctrl-V, or Shift-Ins Cmd-V Ctrl-V Ctrl-V
Select everything in focused control or window Ctrl-A Cmd-A Ctrl-A Ctrl-A
Delete selection Del Delete (Backspace) Del Del
Find matches in the current document, highlighting them in-place Ctrl-F Cmd-F Ctrl-F Ctrl-F
Incremental find Slash (/) [2]
Search for matches in multiple documents, files or other external sources Cmd-Space Ctrl-F
Find the next match F3 Cmd-G Ctrl-G Ctrl-G
Find and replace matches Ctrl-H Cmd-F [3] Ctrl-R Ctrl-H
View menu Alt-V Alt-V Alt-V
Zoom in on the document Ctrl-Click Wheel (Scroll) Cmd-Shift-= (Cmd-Plus) or Cmd-= Ctrl-Plus Ctrl-Plus
Zoom out of the document Ctrl-Click Wheel (Scroll) Cmd-Minus Ctrl-Minus Ctrl-Minus
Reload the current document, updating content from source if necessary Cmd-R F5 Ctrl-R
Display the selected object's properties/information window. Cmd-I Alt-Enter
Bookmarks menu Alt-B Alt-Cmd-B Alt-B Alt-B
Add a bookmark for the current location Ctrl-D Cmd-D Ctrl-B Ctrl-D
Manage bookmarks Cmd-Option-B (Safari) Ctrl-B
Go menu
Go to Browser Ctrl-D Cmd-L
Go to the previous location in history Cmd-[ or Cmd-Left Alt-Left Alt-Left
Go to the next location in history Cmd-] or Cmd-Right Alt-Right Alt-Right
Go up one level in the navigation hierarchy Cmd-up Alt-Up Alt-Up
Go to the starting page defined by the user or application Cmd-Home Ctrl-Home Alt-Home
Text formatting
Make selected text bold/regular Ctrl-B Cmd-B Ctrl-B Ctrl-B
Underline/remove underline from selected text Ctrl-U Cmd-U Ctrl-U Ctrl-U
Make selected text italic/regular Ctrl-I Cmd-I Ctrl-I Ctrl-I
Window management
Switch focused window Alt-Tab, Shift-Alt-Tab Cmd-tab, Shift-Cmd-Tab Alt-Tab, Shift-Alt-Tab Alt-Tab, Shift-Alt-Tab
Switch focus to the next or previous window (without dialog) Win-Tab Ctrl-F4 Alt-Escape / Alt-Shift-Escape
Switch focus to the next or previous panel on the desktop Ctrl-Alt-Tab, Shift-Ctrl-Alt-Tab
Switch focus to the next or previous panel (without dialog) Ctrl-Alt-Escape / Shift-Ctrl-Atl-Escape
Pop up window menu Alt-Space Alt-F3 Alt-Space
Close the focused window Alt-F4 Cmd-W Alt-F4 Alt-F4
Restore the focused to its previous size Alt-F5
Move the focused window Alt-F7
Resize the focused window Alt-F8
Minimize the focused window Cmd-M Win-Minus Alt-F9
Maximize the focused window Win-Plus Alt-F10
Maximize horizontally Win-Equal
Maximize vertically Win-Space
Minimize all Win-M Cmd-alt-M
Undo minimize all Win-Shift-M
Switch fullscreen/normal size F11 F11
Show the window in full screen mode, with no border, menubar, toolbar or statusbar Depends on application Ctrl-Shift-F Ctrl-F11
Rollup/down window Cmd-M Win-Underscore Alt-F12
Move window to left/right/up/down workspace Shift-Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down
Move window to desktop X Win-Alt-FX
Switch to next/previous desktop Fn-Right / Fn-Left (Leopard) Win-Tab / Win-Shift-Tab
Switch to next/previous desktop list Ctrl-Tab / Ctrl-Shift-Tab
Go to desktop X Ctrl-(Shift)FX
Go to left/right/up/down desktop Ctrl-Alt-Left/Right/Up/Down
Show / hide desktop Win-F Ctrl-Alt-D Ctrl-Alt-D
Activate window demanding attention Ctrl-Alt-A
Kill window Alt-F4 Cmd-Alt-Escape Ctrl-Alt-Escape
Mouse emulation Alt-F12
Close dialog Esc Esc
Widget navigation
Moves keyboard focus to next/previous control Tab, Shift-Tab Tab, Shift-Tab Tab, Shift-Tab
Pop up tooltip for currently-focused control Ctrl-F1
Show context-sensitive help for currently-focused window or control Cmd-? Shift-F1 Shift-F1
Give focus to next/previous pane F6, Shift-F6
Give focus to splitter bar in paned window F8
Give focus to window's menu bar F10 Ctrl-F2 Alt F10
Pop up contextual menu for currently-selected objects Shift-F10 Windows key Shift-F10
Toggle selected state of focused checkbox, radio button, or toggle button Space Space Space
Activate focused button, menu item etc. Return Return Return
Select/move to first item in selected widget Home, End Home, End
Scroll selected view by one page up/left/down/right PageUp, Ctrl-PageUp, PageDown, Ctrl-PageDown
Tab management
Create new tab Cmd-T Ctrl-Shift-N / Ctrl-T Ctrl-T
Go to next/previous tab Ctrl+Tab, Ctrl+Shift+Tab Cmd-{ or Cmd-Shift-Left, Cmd-} or Cmd-Shift-Right (Safari) Ctrl-,/Ctrl-. Ctrl-PageUp/PageDown
Desktop navigation
Run new application Win+R Alt-F2 Alt-F2
Open new browser window with same page as current Ctrl+N
Start menu / Applications menu Win, Ctrl-Esc Cmd-Shift-A Win Alt-F1
Copy a screenshot to clipboard Ctrl-Print Screen Cmd-Ctrl-Shift-3 (Cmd-Shift-3 to create as a file on the desktop) Ctrl-Print Print
Copy a screenshot of window to clipboard Alt-Print Screen Cmd-Ctrl-Shift-4 then Space (Cmd-Shift-4 to create as a file on the desktop) Alt-Print Alt-Print
Lock desktop Win-L
Show desktop Win-D F11
Switch active user Win-L [4]
Task manager Ctrl-Shift-Esc, Ctrl-Alt-Del Cmd-Alt-Esc
Show help F1 F1 or Cmd-? F1 F1

[edit] Command line shortcuts

Below is a list of common keyboard shortcuts that are used in a command line environment.

Action Windows (Cmd.exe) Unix, Mac OS X (bash)
Signal end-of-file Ctrl-Z Ctrl-D
Signal break Ctrl-C Ctrl-C
Erase word to the left Ctrl-W
Erase line to the left Ctrl-U
Erase line to the right Ctrl-K

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ a b There is no single consistent shortcut for closing a document or quitting an application in Windows XP. In many multiple document interface applications, Ctrl-W or Ctrl-F4 closes a document and Alt-F4 quits. In other applications where each document is in its own window, such as later versions of Microsoft Word, Ctrl-W, Ctrl-F4, and Alt-F4 close a document, and there is no consistent shotcut for quitting an application.
  2. ^ To find text inside a web page in Konqueror, enter slash (/) followed by text. To find links, enter single quote (') followed by text. Find next with F3.
  3. ^ OS X applications often use a single dialog for both find and replace.
  4. ^ Takes you to the Switch User-screen when Fast User Switching has been enabled (enabled by default in XP).

[edit] See also