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Ta'veren is a term used in the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan

Ta'veren : "A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny." (TEotW,Glossary)

[edit] Noted Ta'veren

NOTE:(Rand is the strongest of the three current ta'veren and as such, has a greater pull on Mat and Perrin.)

[edit] Ability

  • No one is born ta'veren, they are made so as the Wheel needs them to be.
  • Ta'veren affect those around them inadvertently i.e: they can cause a person to fall off a house and then get up without a scratch on them, yet someone else can easily trip over a stick and break their neck.
  • It is said that ta'veren can be tracked and located by their effect on the Pattern.

[edit] People with Talent to see Ta'veren