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Map highlighting Szolnok-Doboka county in the Kingdom of Hungary
County seat in 1910 Dés
RO Dej
Area in 1910 4,786 km²
Population in 1910 251,900
Present country Romania

Szolnok-Doboka is the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in northern Romania (northern Transylvania). The capital of the county was Dej (Romanian, Dés in Hungarian).


[edit] Geography

Szolnok-Doboka county shared borders with the Hungarian counties Szilágy, Szatmár, Máramaros, Beszterce-Naszód and Kolozs. The river Someş/Szamos flows through the county. Its area was 4786 km² around 1910.

[edit] History

Szolnok-Doboka county was formed in 1876, when the county Belső-Szolnok was united with part of the Doboka region.

In 1918 (confirmed by the Treaty of Trianon 1920), the county became part of Romania. The territory of the county is now divided under the Romanian counties Cluj (the center and south, a.o. Dej), Maramureş (the north), Bistriţa-Năsăud (the east) and Sălaj (the west).

[edit] Demographics

In 1910, county had a population of 251,936 people. Population by language:

  • Romanian = 189,443
  • Hungarian = 52,181
  • German = 6,902

[edit] Subdivisions

In the early 20th century, the subdivisions of Szolnok-Doboka county were:

Districts (járás)
District Capital
Bethlen Bethlen, RO Beclean
Csákigorbó Csákigorbó, RO Gârbou
Dés Dés, RO Dej
Kápolnokmonostor Kápolnokmonostor, RO Copalnic
Kékes Kékes, RO Chiochiş
Magyarlápos Magyarlápos, RO Târgu Lăpuş
Nagyilonda Nagyilonda, RO Ileanda
Szamosújvár Szamosújvár, RO Gherla
Urban districts (rendezett tanácsú város)
Dés, RO Dej
Szamosújvár, RO Gherla


Comitatus of the Kingdom of Hungary (1896)

Abaúj-Torna | Alsó-Fehér | Arad | Árva | Bács-Bodrog | Baranya | Bars | Békés | Bereg | Beszterce-Naszód | Bihar | Borsod | Brassó | Csanád | Csík | Csongrád | Esztergom | Fejér | Fogaras | Gömör-Kishont | Győr | Hajdú | Háromszék | Heves | Hont | Hunyad | Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok | Kis-Küküllő | Kolozs | Komárom | Krassó-Szörény | Liptó | Máramaros | Maros-Torda | Moson | Nagy-Küküllő | Nógrád | Nyitra | Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun | Pozsony | Sáros | Somogy | Sopron | Szabolcs | Szatmár | Szeben | Szepes | Szilágy | Szolnok-Doboka | Temes | Tolna | Torda-Aranyos | Torontál | Trencsén | Turóc | Udvarhely | Ugocsa | Ung | Vas | Veszprém | Zala | Zemplén | Zólyom

Kingdom of Croatia-Slavonia: Belovár-Kőrös | Lika-Krbava | Modrus-Fiume | Pozsega | Szerém | Varasd | Verőce | Zágráb

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