Szeged Faculty of Law and Public Administration

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Faculty of Law and Public Administration (from 1952, built: 1882)
Faculty of Law and Public Administration (from 1952, built: 1882)
"The horse's behind", statue dedicated to the third cavalry regiment in WW1, in front of the faculty
"The horse's behind", statue dedicated to the third cavalry regiment in WW1, in front of the faculty

The Faculty of Law and Public Administration of the University of Szeged. It is believed as one of the hardest Law Schools in Europe according to international rankings (balancing between 1-2nd position).

[edit] Notable persons

Faculties of the University of Szeged Seal of the University of Szeged
Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Arts | Faculty of Economics and Business Administration | Faculty of Law and Public Administration | Faculty of Music | Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College

Natural Sciences

College Faculty of Agriculture | College Faculty of Health Sciences | College of Food Engineering | Faculty of Sciences

Medical University: Faculty of Medicine | Faculty of Pharmacy