Switchteam soccor

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Switchteam Soccor is a way to play Soccor with only three players. Instead of gaining points upon making goals, you deplet your opponents scores by making goals yourself.

[edit] How it's played

Switchteam Soccor is best played on a small field, and must be played with exactly three players. It's a free-for-all game, while at the same time, it's a game with teams.

To start, you must have one goal keeper, on offense, and one defense. The offense starts with the ball at least half a field away from the goal. He then must score before the defense can hold the ball from him for more than 3-5 seconds. The defencse cannot pass the center line, and once the offense has passed the line, he cannot go back.

An out of bounds ball: If the defense kicks the ball out of bounds, for example, while trying to steal it from the offense, the ball is givin back to the offense, and he must start back from behind the center field line. If the ball is kicked out of bounds by the offense, then it is givin to the goal keeper must kick it to the defense who must be standing behind the center field line (This is the only part of the game where a defense player is allowed to go past the center field). The offense must attempt to 'block' the ball, and get it before the defense can.

Scoring: To score, the offense must kick the ball past the goal keeper and into the net. When this happens, one point is subtracted from both the goal keeper and the defense.

Switching posisitions and teams: The teams and player posisitions switch everytime either 1. The ball goes through the net, 2. The ball is stolen from the offense by the defense, or 3. The ball is kicked to the defense by the goal keeper without interception by the offense. When either of these three things happen, the offense becomes the goal keeper, the goal keeper becomes defense, and defense becomes offense.

Winning: You win if you have the most amount of points when one player reaches -10, -21, or whatever you are playing to.