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In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional universe of Middle-earth, the Swanfleet or Sindarin Nîn-in-Eilph is a marshy area in Eriador.

Formed where the Glanduin (mistakenly labelled as "Swanfleet river" on some maps) joins the Mitheithel (Greyflood), the Swanfleet is effectively an inland delta, with uncertain streams and a very uncertain difference between land and water.

It strongly resembles the Gladden Fields on the other side of Hithaeglir, and as such many Stoors felt right at home here after their migration into Eriador. These Stoors remained here until the Great Plague nearly wiped them out, and the remainder then went to the South Farthing of the Shire.

Near the Swanfleet was a ford over the Glanduin, from where led a road to the ruins of Ost-in-Edhil, the ruined city of Eregion.